


Disclaimer:  The characters of LoTR belong to JRRTolkien. The Marvel characters belong to their respective owners as well. This fan fiction is for entertainment only; there is no profit involved.

Anchor links to individual stories:

Arrivals Humor
On The Topic of Virtue Humor
Hobbit Pile Humor
LoTR Pounce Humor
The Photo Op Serious, sorta
To Sing the Stars Serious
Taming the Berserkers Serious


Sat Jan 31 2004

MacNair, upon being told that the CDCers would like her to quit trying to evict the "extra" muses that were trying to invade her head. Namely: Wolverine (X-Men) and various Lord of the Rings muses.




I evicted Logan. He kept clawing the corners of the railing when he swung around the banister to go downstairs. I told him to go live in the woods with the Orcs.

"Orcs? You have ORCS?"

"Yes. Compliments of Connor."


"I knew Sparks had some sense."

"Don't call me that, dammit," growled a voice.

Logan grins.

"So, you wanna go hunt some Orc?"

Connor grins.

"Not without me," enters another voice softly.


"Who brought the Elf?"

"Nononononononononono!" lamented MacNair. "Not the Elf! If you have the Elf, then by default, you get--"

"I hope there is enough of these Orcs to go around, mind you," grumped a voice from waist level.

"What the hell is that?" demanded Logan.

"A leprechaun?" suggested Connor, stepping back from the axe.

"NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONNOOOOOO!" protested MacNair more vigorously. "If you get the Elf and the Dwarf, then you get---"

"Well met, Legolas and Gimli. Long it has been since we hunted Orcs together," sounded a calm and kingly voice. "Try not to kill them all from 200 yards away this time, Legolas. We'd like to get our blades a bit wet."

"Hey, nice sword," interjected Connor.

"Thank you. It's very old and has a long story. Yours is quite unusual as well. I would hear its history from you, if you are willing?"

"Orcs first," softly spoke Legolas. He had one arrow in his hand and was stroking his fingers across the fletch examining it.

"I think we're all ready," added Logan. With a 'snick' his claws settled into place. All six of them.

Legolas looked highly appreciative and murmured, "I shall enjoy watching those in action."

"Please. Just. Leave," grated out MacNair.

"Leaving...leaving," chuckled Connor.



On The Topic Of Virtue

DeniseCDC from Kansas City
Jan 31 2004

MacNair, let the man be! If Connor wants to be naughty and naked, I say let him. Of course what else did you think I'd say. Hey, it should help keep hayden awake. It also solves that difficult problem of what to get her for her birthday.


Naughty and naked? Only Connor? But ... but ... shouldn't Duncan have to be as well? And Methos? Perhaps that Logan dude? And...and...that scruffy (but yummy) king dude?, too, Richie. *wg*






Logan. Yes.

Aragorn. Definately, yes, but he wants to keep his sword. (helpless giggles) Like that's some kind of defense around here?


We'll just have to show him that it's not. *wg*

Quick, distract him with the whipped cream and I'll sneak his sword into the closet with the others!


So now we have a whipped cream king in the living room?

Why is Legolas snickering over there?


Oh, now. Not so neat anymore, are we, Legolas? What a horrified look out of that elf. Heeheeeheeeheeeheeheeheeee~!


Ooo....A creamed elf!

Need some help cleaning up? *wikked leer*


Let's see ... clean up the Elf....



Elvish sword scabbard.






Dammit, wear too many clothes!


OoooOOOOOooooooo~~~~~~~nothing but leggings~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"My virtue!"

"Virtue? You have virtue?"


"One virtuous elf in the middle of the CDC par-TAY does not bode well for said virtue."


"Don't look at me, elf boy. I've got my own troubles...."




Virtue? Do we ALLOW that around here? *scratches head confuddled*

DeniseCDC from Kansas City

I'm pretty sure it's against the by-laws.


If it wasn't before ... we can solve that very quickly!


It is SO good to have a lawyer in our midst.

Why, Clan tenants can be changed in an absolute instant.

"Virtue is not allowed within the confines of the boundaries of the CDC Compound, wherever said Compound is declared to be by any occupants or visitor of said Compound."

~startled look from the elf.~

Multitude versions of: "We'll take that virtue now" "Hand over that virtue" "Let me help you with that virtue" erupt from many mouths at the same time.

"A hundred Orcs he can handle, but not thirteen CDCers," chuckles Aragorn.

"Don't you have any virtue, King?" said lahoffy, shaking the can of whipping cream.



Heh heh heh!

Not for long, he doesn't.

But if he promises to behave, (!!!! OUR version of behaving!) he can have it back after we're done.

We'll tuck it in the closet with all the elf clothes for safekeeping.



Hobbit Pile

Wed Feb 25 2004

*squashing plot bunnies*

No, NO, and NOOOOO ....

Must NOT look at the bare foot hobbit ....

Must not think about hobbits in the backyard with the Jack Russell and the cocker spaniels ....

Janne .... eeeeek!

No more ....

*thump thump thump*

Die plot bunnies! Die!



I am now picturing Vidalia dancing about over the grass after the plot bunnies, mallet in hand...


Are you sure she's not just CHASING those hobbits about?



*indignant glance*

"Moi? Chase hobbits?!?!!?"

*slides ale keg and steins under the table with her boot*

"Never catch me baiting for hobbits ...."

Didn't say I wouldn't exactly ... just said ya wouldn't catch me!




"This way!"

"No, THIS way!"

"I'm tellin' ya, Mr. Frodo--this is the way to go!"

"No, no, Sam. Don't you see that girl with the net by that bush?"

"Oh, silly me! Okay, let's run this way!"

"VI-DAL-IA! They're headed your way, chica!" shouted MacNair, putting down her net.

"I'm all over 'em ... er ... I'm all over it!" Vidalia slid the ale keg into plain view and stacked the steins hastily.

A new voice entered the excited atmosphere, sounding quite calm given the circumstances.

"Are you trying to catch a hobbit?" asked Aragorn.

MacNair nearly leaped out of her socks. Thankfully, she wasn't wearing any or it could have been tricky. There's nothing so embarrassing as to be tripping over your socks while on the way to catching something. "Gol-darn, King! Sneaking up on me like that?"


"SNEAKING! Sneaking! Always sneaking about!"

"Careful, dear, you're beginning to sound like Gollum."

"Well," she flipped her hair out of her eyes. "As long as I don't look like him."

"Back to my question: are you trying to catch a hobbit?"

"Why, yes, I am ... I'm trying to catch four of them."

Aragorn looked startled. "Four of them? Prithee tell me you've not imbibed any ale this morning?"

"Vidalia's got the ale, though she prefers Merlot."

"Merlot? What is that?"

"Later, King, la-ter. What about those hobbits?" (MacNair made a mental note that Aragorn must be introduced to Merlot at the earliest possible convenience ... preferably later that evening ... in the company of a great number of CDCers.)

"I don't think you really want to be catching FOUR of them. One hobbit is quite enough row to hoe. Four of them is ... quite a hobbit pile, if you catch my meaning."

MacNair looked perplexed, then looked blankly over Aragorn's left shoulder, where Legolas materialized without a sound. The sweeping curve of the great bow extended past the height of both mortal and the elf. It was worth noting that Aragorn did not flinch when Legolas spoke close to his shoulder, so attuned were these two to each other.

"What mystery is this, Aragorn?" Legolas surveyed the fleeing hobbits. "The hobbits fly, though I see no threat. And you stand at ease, with sword sheathed?"

"These girls are trying to catch them, it seems."

Legolas looked dubiously at MacNair, and then down the slope to Vidalia, who was hiding behind the ale keg and trying to peek out at the same time. "Surely, you jest!"

"Nay, my Elvin friend, I do not jest. They are trying to entrap all four of them."

"Do they not know what will happen if they catch four hobbits---"

"I tried to tell her...."

Legolas looked amused. "This one and her conspirator are not known for listening to instructions...."

"I'm going to instruct you with the heel of my foot, if you don't quit nattering on!" muttered MacNair.

"The surest way to catch a hobbit--" began Legolas, thoughtfully.

"---Lego-las-s-s," warned Aragorn.

"Now, now ... according to the other citizens dwelling here, these mortals have ... ahhh ... experience in dealing with ... well ... with the results of a hobbit pile."

"I have heard they have experience with an Elf pile as well."

The amused smile disappeared. "I know nothing of what you speak, Aragorn."

"Have you any virtue left?" calmly inquired Aragorn.

"At least I arrived with virtue."

"Hey!" protested Aragorn.

"I'm going to kick you both in the 'virtue' if you don't help us with those hobbits!" growled MacNair.

Aragorn scowled at Legolas, and the Elf scowled back.

"The surest way to catch a hobbit is with mushrooms," quietly said Legolas. "And there is a patch by yonder oak unless Merry found it."

"HA!" shouted MacNair. "Vidalia! Run up here!"


At MacNair's command, Vidalia vaulted quickly from behind the keg. She blew by the trio in her mad dash towards the stand of oaks.

Don't look at the King and for heaven's sake DON'T look at the Elf, she admonished herself as she flew past the King and the Elf. MacNair was arguing with them both.

Vidalia's eyes scoped the grounds under the huge oaks. There under the stoutest tree sat Merry, busily munching away on the mushrooms she'd planned the evening menu around. Mushrooms made a wonderful main course, after all mushrooms were right up there with Merlot and mangoes. The loveliest things in life started with 'M'. Vidalia crept silently around the tree trunk ... creeping ever so much closer until she was right behind the curly blonde mushroom eating hobbit.

With a shout of, "BONSAI!" she pounced!


The breath left Merry's body.

"EEEE! MacNair! I got one," Vidalia trilled, clasping and wrestling the wriggling hobbit about his knees.

"Aiyeeeeeeee" MacNair's victory cries replaced the scowls on the face of the King and the Elf.

With another whoop and holler, she sprinted up the hill followed closely by a King and an Elf.

Meanwhile under the oak tree ..... A genuinely upset Merry shouted at the girl holding him about his knees,

"Hey now girlee let me go! Let me go!" The indignant hobbit demanded while twisting about.

Merry wasn't about to gladly suffer the indignity of being pounced by a mortal female even if she was kinda cute with her face all smashed into the clover.




"Ow ... ow ... OW!"

"Mac-NAIR!!! "HELP!!! He's pelting me with mushrooms!" Vidalia glowered at the mushroom lobbing hobbit.

I should lock them in the dungeon with V.

No they'd probably like that.

I should lock them all in the garage with Ennaj and her explosives! Ha! That'd fix 'em!

"Harebrained hobbit, don't waste our mushrooms! I was going to prepare those with garlic and butter"

"Not your mushrooms, silly girl--they're mine!" Merry twittered, twisting about.

"Greedy hobbit!"

Vidalia wanted ever so much to feel elated at capturing the hobbit ...,

but somewhere in the back of her mind ...

a niggling thought was worming it's way to her .....

that just possibly her catch ....

had been just a wee bit too easy.

Finally ... she thought with some trepidation ...

Just when life was looking cheery ...

Merry spun his hobbit body wildly while Vidalia clung onto his knees for dear life. She landed on her back with Merry's knees entirely too close to her nose, trying to spit out a mouth full of clover.

Methinks something stinks and it's not just these grubby furry feet," she reasoned uneasily.

Gazing up into the branches of the towering oak .....

Sometimes, she thought, I really hate being right .....

For there, in the lowest branch, of the oak tree perched the other three hobbits with serious intent in their huge eyes ....

Vidalia stared up at them ....

They in turned, stared down at her .....

This is gonna hurt, Vidalia thought.

"NOW!!!" Frodo's voice commanded.

With a collective yawp, the three leapt lightly from their lofty perch in a shower of leaves and acorns.

Vidalia and Merry cushioned their landing.

It was a lovely pile.

Ooooo my first hobbit pile, Vidalia thought, aquiver with secret delight.

Chaos reigned as the four hobbits each with their own agenda began a war to cease the struggling of the female who held on determinedly to Merry.

Vidalia tussled on, twisting this way and that, sneezing when Pippin's foot waved under her nose.

"Hey no sneezing on the feet,"

"It's not my fault! Move your frelling foot from under my nose."

"The knees! Watch the knees!"

"Ha! Ya furry footed little imps!"

"Oooo lookit out she's getting mad!"

"Merry, where are the mushrooms?"

"She took them!"

"Search her!"

"Hey, no fair! Somebody better read me my rights!"

"MacNair where are yooooooooooooooooooooooooou?"

"Watch it Pippin ... that is NOT a mushroom! Merry what ARE you doing? Hey no fair two on one! I am NOT a chew toooooyeeeee." Her words were cut off as Merry and Pippin redoubled their efforts to liberate the mushrooms.

Vidalia nipped at the first bare patch of skin she could get her teeth on.

"Owwwwwwwwwwww! I've been bitten!" Samwise yelped.

"Are these females poisonous, Mr. Frodo?"

The wriggling continued on Vidalia heard footfalls in the thick clover draw closer. Jerking her head up she collided with the very hard head of Samwise.

For a split second Vidalia's brown ones regarded Sam's blue eyes, until the world around her tilted crazily and singing stars and baby orcs appeared before her eyes dancing dizzily around her head.

"Quick, Sam, your cloak!" Frodo's voice once again sounded sparking a stunned Samwise into action.

Sam tossed his cloak.

Vidalia was totally engulfed in something huge and pliable.

The hobbits pounced pinning the stunned Vidalia under the cloak.

"What are we going to do with her now, Mr. Frodo?"

"Sam, we'll hold he here until the King arrives--he can decide."

"We don't have to wait long."

The hobbits raised their eyes to see MacNair with reddened cheeks puffing over the crest of the hill follow closely by the King and Legolas who were not winded at all. Mayhap they were much more use to traipsing about steep hills seeking out hobbit mischief.

The threesome stopped and looked down at the hobbits hastily scrambling to their furry feet.

"What did you cuties do with Vidalia?" MacNai,r in protective mode, uttered between gasps.

The hobbits stood their ground under MacNair's fierce gaze.

"Vidalia?" MacNair's concerned voice floated to Vidalia through the thick fibers of Sam's cloak.

"You Ok under there?"

"Uh hmmmm ...Me precious! Me precious!"

"My Lord?" Frodo spoke up.

"Yes, Frodo?" The King's voice sanity amid the madness.

"What shall we do with this one."

The King sighed, "Loose her."

MacNair bent and gingerly lifted the corner of Sam's cloak, "It's okay, sis, come on out."

Vidalia crawled out from under the cloak on her hands and knees, blinking as her eyes accustomed themselves to the sunlight. The baby orcs and singing stars vanished to reveal a pair of fine-tooled leather boots attached to long muscular legs. As Vidalia's eyes traveled upwards, the flush that was staining her throat began to rise and travel in unison with her gaze until she was glowing bright red to the roots of her hair and her jaw dropped to her chest.

Dark, mildly annoyed eyes regarded her as his long dark hair tossed about in the breeze.

MacNair tugged Vidalia's arm pulling her to her feet to stand before the King all the while brushing the clover from her hair and re-buttoning her blouse and closing her gaping mouth with a finger tip,

"Aragorn, might I present our clansib, Vidalia?"

A slow smile replaced the agitation on his face.

His eyes regarded her more kindly, "I am delighted to meet thee Vidalia."

"Bubububububu ...," Vidalia responded valiantly.

MacNair sighed and poked her clansib with her pointy elbow. She was certain Vidalia would regain her intelligence but not before she had made a complete idiot of her self.

What is it about tall, dark, brooding, moody, long haired men? One look and her smarts disappeared and evaporated in direct proportion to the rise of her libido.

Shaking herself from her thoughts Vidalia bowed her head and spoke the only words that she could,

"Mushroom, my lord?"

MacNair moaned.

The King raised an eyebrow.

The hobbits broke into argument.

The Elf smiled.

~finis~ (for now!)


LoTR Pounce

Sun Mar 7 2004

Here, Elf *whistles shrilly* Here Elf!


Can't help it, he's not my type, but man oh man, He Is Cute!

I find his pointy earlobes quite adorable. Is that the natural 'elf' in him coming out or what?



I think there would be a few of us in the ol' compound that wouldn't mind him hanging around. Elf or no. I never noticed his earlobes until I saw this---how funny!

I think I'm fonder of the Elf, but you're right, He Is Cute. It must be the magic of the Elf.

...still trying to evict the Elf, but not having much success with Janne, lahoffy, pacem and ilk holding the door shut....



We're not holding the door shut..we got really tired and our arms started hurting.

We nailed it shut. *beg*



So that's why my shoulder hurts from hitting this door?


"Gimli, fetch your axe. I need a door removed."


"Gimli, don't you dare remove that door!"

"And why not?"

"Because MacNair is in denial and the Elf can help her! You wouldn't want MacNair to suffer now you would? Besides if you leave the door, I'll open the new ale keg in the meadow."

"New ale keg?"

"Uh huh."

"Come along lass, let's see to the ale!"


Vidalia smiles wickedly as she leads Gimli to the meadow.

"Did I tell ya I caught four hobbits at once?"


pssst, vidalia

It's OK - I attached the invisible bungee cords. Even MacNair gets them pushed out the door; they'll only get half a mile before they ping back!


That's our clever Janne ....

We must take all precautions to keep the Elf and the King in residence ....

Oh, did you calulate where they will lend after they ping back?

I volunteer to be their cushion ....

Never had an Elf pile or a King pile before?

Do we have sign up sheets?


You DO realise what a merry babble you have made in my head, don't you?

"Look! Look! It's a King pile!"

"No, wait, it's an Elf pile!"

"Are you sure it's not a King Elf pile?"

(sing-song) "I'm King of the Elf pile! I'm King of the Elf pile!"


But WHAT a pile it is!

All contrasts ...

light and dark ...

ebony and gold ...

vertical and horizontal lines ...

ying and yang ...

King and Elf ...

A coin toss to see who pounces first!



Ooooohhhhh, mmmmmmyyyyy....


I think my motor is running.....

Do we have to take turns at this pile or can't we just ... like ... pounce?



I have consulted the CDC manual and because the King and the Elf and the Hobbits,

*pauses and listens*

and the dwarf ...

are all relatively new and there are no rules governing a pile or pounce upon such said pile ....

*grasps MacNair's hand in hers*

"I say shall we pounce?"

"Indeed we shall,"

"Aiiiyeeeeee," bellows MacNair.

"Bon SAI," screams Vidalia.

The King groaned.

The Elf smiled.


"They're what?" demanded the King in a voice slightly louder than his usual soft one.

"We are about to be pounced upon," Legolas repeated. "It's been a growing threat to which I have paid some attention."

"Without telling me? I'm the King!"

"Um, if you don't mind me pardoning myself in here, sirs," softly interrupted Sam. "I'd say, given that we're the newcomers to this here ... place... here. Well, puttin' it directly to you, sir ... I don't think you're King of nuthin' here 'cepting what they say you're the King of. As my old Gaffer would say, 'You're only the King when the women decide you get to be and then the lot of 'em will decide what orders you get to give.' So, if you don't mind me sayin' so, I think yelling 'I'M THE KING!' will not do you much good around here."

(This was quite a long speech, and a forward one at that, out of Samwise Gamgee and they all looked perplexed at him a long moment.)

"So you knew there was going to be a pounce and you kept it to yourself?" softly said Aragorn.

"As the Hobbit has pointed out, no amount of regal bearing will sway the outcome. These women are quite used to men rattling their swords and they are undaunted." Legolas looked thoughtfully up the hill, where MacNair and Vidalia stood.

"And there are two of them, and they're organizing," added Gimli. "I'm built for hewing Orcs necks, not fleeing down hillocks. I have no liking for thwarting pounces." He muttered a moment to his beard. "I think I shall stand my ground and see where this leads."

The Hobbits dithered as Hobbits are wont to. Merry and Pippin couldn't decide where to stand to receive the best effort out of this pounce about to happen. Sam was trying to hide within his Lothlorian cloak and Frodo kept fingering a chain around his neck, but couldn't seem to find the ring he was after.

"Any last words of advice," Aragorn muttered at Legolas. "For the King you FORGOT to warn that he was about to be the victim of a pounce?" Above him, the two CDCers had started their run and he was quite sure, in this mix of Hobbit, Dwarf, and Elf, that there was no way he could extricate himself quickly.

"Just ... one ... thing..." softly said the archer. Legolas trailed off, watching the women sprinting down the hill, gauging the length of their strides, the way they fanned out just at the right angle to catch the entire group at the foot of the hill. It was a masterful display of warfare and he quirked his lips in appreciation ... these girls were practiced in the art of pouncing. Even upon a motley group such as this.

"What one thing? WHAT?" Aragorn hissed, then he took a great lungful of air, certain that he would need it---only to discover that Legolas reached one way and then the other with Elvin agility and snatched both girls midair in their pounce! They both gave a small squeak when he curled them up, one to each arm.

"Only," he said, "that if you time it just right, you can seize them. But you must be quick and agile. Mortals oft do not have the knack of such."

"Huzzah! You've saved us!" shouted Sam and Frodo. Merry and Pippin were still trying to decide where to stand to get the best vantage of the pounce.

"Ha, my bright friend! You have saved us, indeed!" shouted Gimli.

"Well done, Legolas!" laughed Aragorn. "Now what shall we do with them?"

"Do? Why ... you will do nothing. I caught them and they are mine." Whereupon, the archer strode away with both girls tucked under his arms. Their joined laughter floated along behind them.




"I say, King ... DO something about that!"

"Ummm," muttered Aragorn. "We've been saved, so quit complaining."


"I'm beginning to wonder if I wanted to be saved," lamented a voice.


Y'know, maybe I just now have the Holy Grail on the brain, but the end of that kind of reminds me of Lancelot insistently rescuing Galahad from Castle anthrax despite all his protests that he should be allowed to go back and face the peril.


GALAHAD (alias: ARAGORN) "Well, I suppose I could stay a BIT longer."

At this moment there is a commotion behind and SIR LAUNCELOT (LEGOLAS) and CONCORD (GIMLI) burst into the bathing area with swords drawn and form themselves round SIR GALAHAD threatening the GIRLS.

LEGOLAS: "Aragorn!"

ARAGORN: "Oh ... hello ..."

LEGOLAS: "Quick!"


LEGOLAS: "You are in great peril!"

VIDALIA: "No he isn't."

LEGOLAS: "Silence! Foul temptress!"

ARAGORN: "Well, she's got a point."

LEGOLAS: "We'll cover your escape!"

ARAGORN: "Look - I'm fine!"

THE CLAN: "Aragorn!"

He threatens VIDALIA.

ARAGORN: "No. Look, I can tackle this lot single-handed!"

THE CLAN: "Yes, yes, let him Tackle us single-handed!"

LEGOLAS: "Come, Aragorn, quickly!"

ARAGORN: "No, really, I can cope. I can handle this lot easily!"

VIDALIA: "Yes, let him handle us easily."

LEGOLAS: "No, sir! Quick!"

He starts pulling ARAGORN away.

ARAGORN: "No, please! Please! I can defeat them! There's only a hundred."

THE REST OF THE CLAN: "He will beat us easily. We haven't a chance!"

By now LEGOLAS and GIMLI have hustled ARAGORN out of the bathing area and are running through the outside door.

LEGOLAS: "We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril!"

ARAGORN (dragging his feet somewhat) "I don't think I was."

LEGOLAS: "You were, Aragorn. You were in terrible peril. They would have pounced!"

ARAGORN: "Look, let me go back in there and face the peril!"

LEGOLAS: "It's too perilous."

They are right outside the castle by now.

ARAGORN: "Look, it's my duty as a king to try and sample as much peril as I can."

LEGOLAS: "No, no, we must fight the Orcs."

ARAGORN: "Oh, let me go and have a bit of pouncing?"

LEGOLAS: "No. It's unhealthy."

ARAGORN: " ... I bet you're gay."

~finis~ because we were laughing too hard to go on!


The Photo Op

"Stand still, will you? The girls want this picture and you know how they get when they don't get what they ... uh ... want to get," said Duncan, fiddling with the tripod and camera.

"I like this not," said the King. He shifted his weight from foot to foot, impatient with the task at hand.

"Stand still or us immortals will have to get rough with you..." growled Connor. "Duncan can't focus the camera if you're sidling around."

*mutter-murmur* said the King.

"That would mess up my hair and they told us to look neat," calmly said Legolas. "Besides, I want to see how the box draws us, for this is a mystery." He was nude except for the bow, which he wouldn't part with; lean and tall and pale.

And completely unselfconscious thought Duncan, working with the focus. Just like Connor, who wears his skin as if it's another garment.

Every muscle and dip along the archer's body was defined and he toyed with the string of the Galadhrim bow idly with his toes. The fair hair fell across his shoulders and the wind gusted it against Aragorn, standing close, revealing the arch of one ear—a constant reminder that he was not an ordinary creature.

The archer was a sharp contrast next to the King, who was a broad wedge of strength tapering down from powerful shoulders. The dark hair and beard made his blue eyes more striking—every bit as piercing as Legolas'. As Connor's. Curls of chest hair descended, thinned to a line, and grew thick again. The Sword of Elendil rested point down next to his feet and the hilt gleamed.

Even naked, no one can mistake him for anything less than royal blood.

"Aragorn, face me head on just like you are. Legolas, you put your hip against your King and stand just a little bit sideways. No, not that way ... with your shoulder back..." Duncan said, attempting to arrange them.

"I think he means 'Draw' form," said Aragorn.

"Ahh, why did he not say so?" Legolas set his feet and shoulders and drew the Great Bow with practiced ease. It canted sidelong across the two of them, an intricately carved counterpart to the Sword of the King.

"Ooh, man..." said Duncan with a chuckle. "We're going to kill these girls!"

"I hope not," said Aragorn. "I do not kill women."

"This will be a 'good kind' of kill the women," said Duncan.

"Oh. I see." The King looked mildly confused.

"Now, both of you stand still just like that while I get Connor in here..."

Connor was toying with his katana a few yards away; cutting imaginary foes, practicing freeform styles as if a dance. His hair was riotous and his skin gleamed water drops from the shower. When Duncan called to him, his head snapped around and his eyes were feral, lit from within by a thousand swordfights called to mind.

"Come over here, you wild child, and get into this picture."


By God, he looks almost like that archer, except without the glow and the ears... thought Duncan. And it was true; the same boyish leanness, the same long thighs and high buttocks, the same slender strength along forearms and fingers. Flat pectorals gave way to ripples progressing down his abdomen. The stride was different though. The elder Scot prowled instead of glided.

"Duncan?" he said, balancing the katana hilt down in his hand an instant. "You need to take off all your clothes and get into this photo, too."

"No, no ... I'm the photographer."

"Get naked and set the timer." Connor looked at him brightly, grinning. "If you're going to kill the girls—at least let's do it proper. Your body is a match for the King over there, so come stand beside me ... where you belong."

And he did, for who could refuse such a request from a brother.

Gusts of wind circling made their skin tingle and lifted long hair. The shutter snapped them true: two elegant young men and two powerful older men, each standing with their closest comrade, and all of them deadly, deadly, deadly.

The girls thought them quite deadly as well. Some did not get up for hours after receiving their photo, which gave Connor proper opportunity to kiss them all soundly and teach Aragorn how to play Poker.

March 30, 2004


To Sing the Stars

There was no sound down below, past the shadowed steps lit with candle glow and lamp. No voice, no singing, no sighs and no whispers. No breath that revealed a single soul. The earth was still beneath the shield of night.

I know he's down here. She told me he'd be down here. We must remember to not KEEP him down here, because he is a creature of light. Of morning and breeze and treetops. He is here only because we asked. When dawn rises, the key must be in his hand so that he can walk freely in sunlight and not shadow.

Down the stairs, around the corner, along the hallway swept bare. Slippered feet made no sound. A scent of oil from a lamp. A book on a chair, forgotten. A painting left unhung. A forgotten tray with three teacups and a pot. She passed all these on her way, searching, peering in one room after another.


Standing nude in a shaft of moonlight, Legolas stared up at the sky overhead. Ivory painted through his hair, illuminated the arch of one ear, drifted ghostly across his shoulder, and down the long curve of spine and leg. One hand was on the sill, the other loose at his side. His expression was thoughtful, listening, and his eyes threw the glittering moon's reflection heavenward. He might as well have been a statue placed beautifully beneath the window.

"Wayfaring warrior soul ... still wild, the archer stands," she whispered, "arrow measured to the goal. Sing of strong and living man."

"I heard you descend the staircase," he replied without turning, without blinking.

"Of course you did." She drew close enough to touch him, but did not touch. "What are you doing, Legolas?"

"The stars are singing. Winter drains away and the days grow tall across the land. Soon, they will not have these long nights to sing, so they sing all the more in the time they have."

She looked at him thoughtfully, then softly admitted, "I wish we could hear them..."

He turned on one foot and the ivory beams swept across the fine collarbone, the disc of a nipple, and one hip. A braid followed the turn of his neck and dandled down like one silver chain. His eyes were hidden wells that could almost be felt; quiet long years of regard and thought.

A statue that comes to life, moves, and then subsides again.

"You shall," he whispered. "I am learning their songs, though my voice is not as fine as theirs. They sing shards of air, and cold, and mystery of night. Their voices shimmer with moon glow, cast harmonies through the trails of falling stars--winking away in an instant of pain and delight. And for each one that falls, another is born in hope and majesty. The whole sky sings." He paused. "Their songs are greater than my whole. Deeper than anything of Elves or trees or living earth. I can barely give them justice, but I shall try."

She was silent. What do you say to a creature learning the music of the heavens merely to share them with you who cannot hear? "You will listen all night, then?"

"I shall."

"Then I shall wait with you, though I hear nothing."

A glimmer of ivory curled along his lip as he smiled very gently. "Nay, fair young one. You shall rest near me, under the circle of my arm. I will listen to millions of voices ... you will listen to my heart."

"I would call it a fair trade if I did not know that I had the better part," she returned.

Ivory moved across his arm, slipped through his fingers as he reached for hers. The cushions were soft and the feather blanket warming. They settled together easily. Nothing is easier than being cradled by something so eternal--one could fall into his soul and never feel the need to attempt escape. His eyes mirrored the rising circle of moon as he watched the heavens. She closed hers against the impossible softness of his skin. Here, by heartbeat and star song, the night was spent.

~ MacNair ~
Feb. 20, 2004
The lyrics quoted above about the archer are from Heart's "Dream of the Archer."


Taming the Berserkers

Blood at the poolside was frowned upon. They'd told him that more than once.

But while Logan was civilized enough to manage his course in the world; Wolverine was not. And Wolverine wanted to dance and he'd danced so many times in blood before that it just wasn't the same without it.

The cages he'd played in. Blood on cement was slippery as hell and made for a fast fight.

The six lumberjacks just South of the Canada border in Montana---he'd danced in bloody snow that time. The wolves came later, while he rested, and gobbled up mouthfuls, eying him fiercely. He just watched them greedily suck up the men's blood. His blood.

Blood in sand was disappointing and he avoided it. Sand was beastly to have a brawl in anyway.

Blood in hallways. Blood in the street. Blood beneath ground in watermain tunnels. It seemed like he'd fought and danced in blood just about everywhere.

But not at a poolside. This was new. It took three rakes of claws to get the slide he wanted and the wave of dizziness passed quickly. His hip and chest healed in seconds---and then he was free, free, free, spinning, arms outstretched, talons extended, impotent fury rising through the snarl in his chest, all of the glittering ferocity in his soul taking flight at once....

"Put it away, Duncan," slid Connor's low voice. "He's just working on his demons." Connor glanced at the startled faces in the pool. "They'll be fine. They know what he is and they'll understand by the time he's worn it off." He turned his face slightly, but didn't take his eyes off the madman twenty feet away. "He's young, Duncan. He hasn't tamed his Berserker like we have, yet."

Duncan snorted beneath his breath. "Who said you ever tamed yours?"

MacNairCDC Prompted by CDCers who were "asking for it!"
May 12, 2004


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