Disclaimer:  The characters of Methos and Duncan MacLeod belong to DPP. This fan fiction is for entertainment only; there is no profit involved. Rated PG

Hi-jinks On The High Seas
by lahoffyCDC

Methos raised his head at the sounds of fighting that were coming to him from overhead. I knew it! This is why I hate the sea, something always seems to go wrong. He sighed heavily and glanced over at his traveling companion.

"You see, MacLeod? This is why I avoid ships."

A look of consternation crossed Duncan's face. This was supposed to have been an easy trip, just a matter of a few weeks journey to get to Sweden. Why would anyone be attacking their ship? There was nothing of value on board.

Footsteps could be heard outside the cabin door, racing down the hallway. A single shouted word heard, "Pirates!"

"Methos? Why would pirates be attacking this ship? Surely they know there's nothing for them here."

Methos shrugged, picking up his sword. "Who knows why pirates do what they do. Best arm yourself, my friend."

Duncan grimly nodded, taking up his sword just as the door to their cabin burst open. "Drop the swords if you please, my lords." A man stood there holding a pistol on the two, with several of his cohorts behind him. "I've got orders to bring you two to my captain, alive and unharmed."

Methos glanced at Duncan, smirking, but Duncan shook his head slightly, sending the signal that they should do as requested. There were too many of them, and having to explain bullet holes and coming back to life wouldn't be a good idea in the middle of the sea. Duncan dropped his sword and a few seconds later, heard the clatter of Methos' hitting the floor.

The men swarmed in, quickly surrounding the two, grabbing their arms and hustling them out the door towards the upper decks.

Once they were up on the top deck, Methos and Duncan took stock of their situation. There were more pirates scattered around, holding their ship's captain and crew at sword point. The takeover had been swift and for the most part, bloodless. No one seemed to have been injured badly, although a couple of the men were sporting what appeared to be minor cuts.

Looking around for the leader of this band of pirates, Methos couldn't seem to pinpoint anyone who appeared to be in charge. That was odd, he would have thought the leader would have been in the thick of things. His gaze swept once more across the men, still puzzled when he heard a voice that was completely out of place.

"Well done, Roger! No problems with these two, I hope?" a feminine voice rang out from behind Duncan and Methos.

"No, my Captain. They came willingly enough. Although they were carrying these when we found them," Roger said, holding up their two swords.

Methos stared in astonishment as a slim, petite woman stepped into view. Barely coming to his chest, the small woman strode confidently among the men, slapping their backs as she passed them, and congratulating them on a job well done. Clad in skin-tight tan breeches, thigh-high black leather boots and a loosely fitting bright yellow shirt, she left nothing to the imagination and Methos felt himself instantly attracted to her. Long blondish hair fell in loose waves to her waist, tied back by a scrap of bright red material. Brown eyes shot through with green swept across him, lingering on his face, a flash of interest gleaming there. That might be something I can use to get us out of this. Worth a try, at least. Surprisingly enough, she was wielding an Ivanhoe, similar to his, although it appeared smaller and more fitted to her small hands.

"You're the leader of this gang, madam? Or is it mademoiselle?"

"'Captain'will do just fine, Dr. Adams."

Methos eyes widened. So, she knew who he was. But, that still left the question of what she wanted with them.

"Aye, I know who you are and your friend there is Duncan MacLeod. You two are now my--well, I should say our--prisoners. When our ransom demands are met, you shall be free to go."

"I'm a lowly doctor. I have no money."

She laughed. "Don't try that with me. I did my research properly; you have enough wealth to spare a few measly pounds and not miss it." She turned, yelling over her shoulder at someone. "Carina!! Where are you?"

Another woman came into view, as different from the first as night was to day. Tall, slim, and moving shyly, Duncan watched her approach with a sense of wonder. Thick, dark hair fell in abundance to her waist, blue eyes with a hint of green in the center glanced shyly at him as she walked toward the first woman. She wore loose fitting black breeches, knee high leather boots, and a crimson blouse. She, too, was carrying a sword, a rapier that seemed to fit her hand perfectly. Duncan couldn't tear his eyes off her.

"I'm here, Brianna, but I still don't think this is a good idea. Are you sure we have to do this?"

"I told you, it's the only way. Stop arguing with me about it."

"Brianna? That's a lovely name," Methos said, letting the name slide over his lips silkily.

Brianna whirled back to face him, sword lifted threateningly. "Don't try that sweet seduction routine with me. I want you for only one thing and that--"

"I will gladly fulfill your wants and desires, my lady, you have only to ask," he purred.

Narrowing her eyes at him, she took a step closer, eyes flashing in rage. "I will never ask you, or any man for such a thing. I want you strictly for the gold you can add to my coffers. That is all."

"Brianna--" Carina began, hoping to calm her before she did something they would both regret. "Shouldn't we be getting them onto our ship now? We don't want to linger too long and we can't risk discovery."

Duncan watched the by-play between the two women, fascinated by the contrast they provided. The one named Carina, so calm and reasonable, yet he sensed she was not comfortable with the role she was playing now. She intrigued him, and he wanted to get to know her better. The other, the one named Brianna, was too much a spirited hothead. She would need taming, something he could see Methos was quite willing to do.

Brianna nodded, seeing the wisdom in Carina's words. Still, this arrogant doctor needed to be taken down a peg or two. Placing her sword against his heart, she stepped in close, tilting her head back to gaze up into his eyes. He looked down at her and she inhaled sharply as incredibly hazel eyes seared into hers, humor and lust dancing in their depths. Reaching up before she lost her nerve, she grabbed a handful of hair and tugged his head down to her level. "Understand me now, Doctor, you're nothing to me--just a means to an end. No more, no less. Don't get any ideas in that pretty head of yours."

Methos arched an eyebrow at her words. "Pretty head? I think the lady protests too much. You want much more than you're saying. We could be good together, you and I," he whispered huskily, so that only she could hear.

Breathing in sharply, she smelled his clean, masculine scent and for a moment was overwhelmed with thoughts of his body pressed up against hers, those lean fingers trailing across her skin, his mouth--abruptly, she pulled her mind back from where it had gone. What was wrong with her?

"Never," she whispered.

"Never is a long time. Are you so sure?"

Before she realized what she was doing, Brianna tugged on his hair once again, pulling his mouth to hers. Startled at her own impulsiveness, she was even more shocked when his lips covered hers and she opened her mouth for his kiss. The kiss deepened, his tongue seeking hers in a pleasurable dance that left her breathless.

Carina watched the scene before her, speechless, this was most unlike her sister, who had sworn men were nothing but swine and she had no use for them. Shyly, she glanced over at Duncan, startled to find his eyes on her and not the couple standing near them. She shivered as she saw interest flare in his eyes and took a step backwards in denial. Nay, I cannot be feeling this...this...desire. Not for him. Not for any man. Isn't that why we embarked on this path in the first place? To be free of men? Still...something about the dark Scot called to her, she wanted, just once, to know a man's touch, and she wanted it to be him that showed her. Appalled at the direction her thoughts were taking her, she turned her attention back to her sister.

"Brianna? Brianna!" shouted Carina in an attempt to gain her attention. "We must get going. We need to be far away from here before night falls."

Stepping back abruptly, Brianna stared dazed up at her prisoner. What the hell had come over her?

Methos pulled in a ragged breath. "You see, my lady? How good it could be between us?"

Shaking her head in denial, Brianna turned away. "Roger, get these two men to our ship. Put the Scot in Carina's cabin, the good doctor in mine. Preferably in chains."

Carina paled at her sister's words. "Brianna! You can't do that! My cabin?"

"Well, where else would you suggest? I certainly can't put them in the hold."

"Dissension in the ranks. We can use that, Duncan. Play them one against the other. Seduce the one whose cabin you'll be sharing,." Methos said under his breath to Duncan.

Duncan watched as the two women continued their argument. "I'll not use an innocent female in that way. Tis not right."

"And it's right that they came on board with the intention of kidnapping us? They're pirates, MacLeod, not innocents. Lose that sense of chivalry before it kills you."

"I'll not do it."

"Fine. Leave it to me. I'll get us out of this. No mere slip of a female is going to steal my money or take me prisoner and get away with it."

"Don't harm her, Methos. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this."

Methos only shook his head at the Scot's stubborn refusal to see what was right in front of him.

Brianna stomped her foot at her sister's hesitancy. "Carina! Enough! There is no other way. We have to keep them safe and healthy until we get our money."

Carina glanced over at the tall Scot again. She had a bad feeling about all this. This attraction she felt toward him could lead to dangerous territory and she wasn't sure she was strong enough to resist. Why did I ever let her talk me into this? I just want to go home, live in peace without all this piracy nonsense. This is not me. I'm not cut out for this. "Very well, Brianna, I'll do what you say. But, this is the last time."

"I told you it would be. And it is. Roger! Take them now."

As Roger led the two men past her, Carina whispered a soft "I'm sorry" to Duncan. Duncan inclined his head in her direction, accepting the apology. He was even more intrigued with this woman, wondering what had led her to this life of piracy. With hope and time, perhaps he could find out.

Methos eyes skimmed insolently up and down Brianna as he passed her; gratified by the flash of rage he caught crossing her face. Too easy to rile, my lady. I'll have you tamed and eating out of my hand before you know it. "I look forward to sharing your cabin, don't keep me waiting long, luv." His voice was a honeyed whisper of promised pleasures that sent shivers down Brianna's spine.

Angrily, she flounced away from him, desperately trying to ignore the wanton images that sprang forth in her mind's eye. For the first time, she felt a sense of apprehension, wondering if perhaps she had bitten off more than she could chew.

Carina stood outside her cabin door, reluctant to enter. She wished there had been some other place to put the handsome Scot besides her cabin. She shifted anxiously back and forth on her feet, her mind racing in a thousand different directions.

"Everything all right, Captain Carina?" asked Daniel who had been standing guard outside her door.

"Yes, Daniel, everything's fine, how's the prisoner?"

"Seemed resigned to his fate, Captain. Didn't argue a bit when I put the chains on him."

"Chains? You put him in chains?" Carina asked, horrified.

"Aye, ma'am, Captain Brianna ordered it. Said it would be safer that way."

Safer for who? Carina wondered. Brianna or Doctor Adams? "Where's the key? I can't leave him like that, it's not right."

"Captain Brianna said--"

"Have you forgotten I'm Captain here as well? Give me the key."

"But, Captain Brianna--"

"Is not here and I'm giving you an order, sailor. The key--now." Carina hated browbeating the poor man who was only doing as he was told, but she couldn't bear the thought of that handsome Scot in chains. He seemed honorable from what they'd observed of him before deciding on this course of action, she had a feeling he wouldn't do anything to harm her or try to escape. Besides, where could he go in the middle of the ocean?

Daniel handed her the key still trying to convince her that it wasn't a good idea to free the man.

"I thank you for your concern, Daniel, but I can handle him. You may go."

Taking a deep breath to calm her jangling nerves, Carina opened the door and stepped inside her cabin.

The Scot, Duncan, was sitting quietly in the lone chair in the room, his hands clasped in front of him and resting on his lap, a length of chain visibly dangling down between his legs.

Now that she had time, she carefully studied the man sitting there. Dark, wavy hair fell to his shoulders, disheveled and spilling from his hair clasp. Dark brown eyes met hers, a quiet acceptance in them. For a moment, Carina stood transfixed as another emotion filled them, that of attraction and desire. She dropped her eyes from that intense gaze, tracing down across broad shoulders to a strong chest. He was wearing a deep blue shirt that was partially undone, revealing a glimpse of dark chest hair. Carina's fingers twitched, imagining herself running her hands across the broad expanse of his chest.

Shaking her head to free it of such thoughts, she continued her perusal of him. Strong, muscular thighs and calves were encased in a pair of tight blue breeches a shade lighter than the shirt. Soft, worn looking black leather boots completed the outfit. Carina felt dizzy and realized she'd been holding her breath. Exhaling softly, she dragged her gaze back up to his face.

Duncan sat still as he waited for her to complete her examination of him. It wasn't easy, though, he could see the attraction she felt for him plainly on her face. He fought for control of his baser emotions, not wanting to frighten this skittish, shy woman. He wondered if she could see how attracted he was to her. He hoped not, he didn't want to scare her away before he could find out more about her.

"I'll take the chains off if you'll give me your word that you won't try to escape or harm me." Carina said finally. "You strike me as an honorable man, one that sticks to his word once it's given."

"Aye, lass, I like to think of myself that way. I give you my word no harm shall come to you if you free me."

Carina nodded and knelt down in front of him, unlocking the chains around his wrist."I'm sorry about this, my sister tends to go overboard at times."

Duncan was surprised at this information. "Your sister? That little hellion is your sister?"

Carina whipped her head up. "Watch how you speak of her. Yes, she's my sister, and I admit, she can be a bit...wild...at times, but she has a good heart. She only wants what's best for me. The things she does are because she's been forced into them."

"And you? What about you?"

Carina stood, taking the chains across the room and tossing them into a corner, keeping her back to Duncan. "I love my sister. She would never ask me to do anything if she thought I might get hurt. I go along with her on the piracy thing because we have no choice."

"Everyone has a choice. Did you not stop to think that if you're caught, you would be hanged?"

Shuddering, she nodded. "Yes, I know. But Brianna's good. She knows exactly what ships to attack and which people will have the most value to us." She turned back to him, eager to change the subject. "There's only the one small bed in here. You take it, and I'll sleep in the chair."

"I canna take your bed, Carina. You sleep in it, I'll take the floor."

"The floor's too hard. I insist, take the bed."

"Nay, just give me a blanket and a pillow and I'll be fine."

"We'll share the bed, then." Carina heard the words coming out of her mouth and was shocked at her boldness. "I can roll up some blankets and put them between us. Will that do?"

Duncan was surprised at her suggestion. On the heels of that, he groaned inwardly, sleeping so close to her was going to be sheer torture. Indeed, just the thought of being so close was making him hard, he was too damned attracted to her. Before he realized what he was doing, he was nodding his head, accepting her solution.

At his nod, Carina reached into the chest that lay at the foot of the bed and began rolling up some blankets and placing them down the middle of the bed. Satisfied that she'd done what she could, she sat on her side of the bed, removing her boots. That was as far as she was willing to go, though. It wouldn't be the first time she'd slept in her clothes and tonight, it seemed like a very good idea.

Duncan crossed the small room, and sat down on the bed as well. He removed his boots with a sigh and lay down.

Tentatively, Carina lay down, pulling the light blanket up over her and closed her eyes, fighting back feelings she'd never felt before. She wanted nothing more than to rip the barrier away that she'd constructed and throw herself into the Scot's arms. It was going to be a very long night, she feared.

Brianna strode down the hallway, stopping outside her cabin door to talk to Roger, who was standing guard.

"Is he in there? Chains on?"

"Aye, Captain, although he put up quite the fuss about them. Had to bring in a few men to hold him down just to get them on."

"He'll get used to them. That one is wilier than I expected. I wouldn't put it past him to try and escape. Thank you, Roger, you may go."

Opening the door tiredly, Brianna walked in, setting her sword down by the door. Looking up, she was outraged at the sight that met her eyes.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" she shouted.

Methos smirked. He'd known that he'd probably get that reaction, which was precisely why he'd done what he did. He stretched calmly, laced his fingers together and settled them on his chest. "I believe I'm getting ready for bed, Captain, care to join me?"

Brianna stared, rage stilling her tongue for a moment. The insolent swine was sprawled across her bed as if he owned it. Worse still, he'd somehow removed his shirt, exposing a lean, muscular chest that had been hidden earlier. Her mouth went dry at the sight, the sudden longing to run her fingers up and down it startling her. Tearing her eyes away from the appealing sight, she met his laughing hazel eyes. Shiny dark hair fell about his face, spilling to his shoulders, with wispy bangs covering his forehead. She moaned to herself when the thought of brushing through those long locks came to her.

"What...how...you're...you're undressed!"

"Hardly, as you can see, I still have my pants on. Something wrong?"

"Get out of my bed!"

"I don't think so."

Sputtering with rage, Brianna stomped across the room to stand over him. "Get-out-of-my-bed," she ground out through clenched teeth.

"I'm the prisoner here and you need to keep me safe and healthy, remember? I'm afraid I need the bed--why, I could catch my death of cold if I slept on that hard, freezing floor."

"You arrogant ass! *I* give the orders around here, and I command you to get out of my bed!"

"I don't think so. My bed now ... unless of course, you want to let me go?"

Brianna's chest heaved with outrage! The absolute gall of the man, it was unbelievable!

Methos eyed her rapidly rising and falling chest with interest. Would love to see that happening beneath me. Soon, very soon, my little hellcat, he thought, shifting a bit as he felt himself harden.

Brianna was too angry to notice. So? You want to play? Fine, I can play this game as well as you. Just see if I can't. Stiffly, she marched around the bed to the other side, angrily plopping down onto the bed. Lifting one leg, she peeled her boot off.

"Ah, I knew you'd see reason. I promise, this will be a night you'll never forget."

Ignoring him as best she could, Brianna lifted her other leg, removing that boot as well. Sighing, she kicked them across the floor and stood, pulling her blouse out from her pants.

Methos swallowed hard, realizing what she planned on doing. He hadn't foreseen this. He watched as the blouse came up and over her head, revealing a skimpy chemise that did nothing to hide her breasts. Transfixed, he watched as her small hands went to the waistband of her breeches and skimmed them off, leaving her clad only in pantalets and that damned see through chemise.

Brianna shivered inside at the look in his eyes. Perhaps this hadn't been such a good idea after all. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she picked up the blanket and slid in underneath it. "Good night, Doctor Adams." She said, turning her back to him and scooting as far to the edge as she could.

Methos thought fast. No way could he let it end this way. "Surely you're not going to leave me chained? Highly uncomfortable, I'll never get to sleep and that's not very healthy."

Brianna sighed irritably. "Doctor Adams--"

"Oh, I think we're quite beyond formalities, aren't we? After all, sharing the same bed is highly intimate, wouldn't you say? Call me Benjamin."

Brianna rolled over onto her back, eyes flashing. "Doctor Adams, there is no way in hell I am releasing you from those chains. Furthermore, there is no intimacy here, merely convenience, which is turning into more inconvenience by the minute."

"Very well--leave me chained. I'm sure the rattling will hardly bother you at all as I toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable."

Closing her eyes, Brianna slowly counted to ten. Good Gods above, the man was insufferable. "Doctor Adams--"


Grinding her teeth, she capitulated, if only to shut him up. "Benjamin--"

"There. That wasn't so hard, now was it?" he paused, grinning to himself at the sound of her exasperated sigh.

"Are you a man of your word?"

"Do you want a lie, or should I tell you the truth?"

"I thought not. But I can see I'm not going to get any sleep unless I free you. Just remember, you're in the middle of the sea and there's nowhere to go." Brianna rose from the bed, stomping across the floor to her chest where the key lay.

Climbing back onto the bed, she straddled him, surprising him when she held a dirk to his throat. He looked up into her eyes, watching conflicting emotions pass through them. He shifted slightly, bringing his pelvis into contact with her, smiling inwardly at the small gasp she emitted.

The dirk pricked his skin, bringing a drop of blood to the surface. "No funny business, Benjamin, I know how to use this. Take the key and slowly unlock the manacles."

Doing as she bid for the moment, Methos freed himself and dropped the chains to the floor. "Thank you, Brianna." His voice caressed her name, seduction laced through it.

Rolling off him, she retreated to her side of the bed. How can he do that? How can he say just my name and cause these burning feelings inside? "Good night, Doctor."

"Benjamin, Brianna, the name is Benjamin." He moved slightly, bringing himself closer to her subtly. She was now only a couple of inches out of reach and he yearned to close that gap, but didn't dare try yet. But the night is young yet, and time is on my side. Soon, my luv, soon.

Closing her eyes in resignation, Brianna gave in. Again. "Good night, Benjamin." she softly sighed out, as she drifted into sleep.

"Good night, Brianna." Methos laced his hands behind his head as he stared up into the darkness. A troubling thought crossed his mind. In this battle of wills, who was the seductor and who was the seductee? He could feel the strong attraction he already felt for her building and wasn't sure that when the time came, he'd be able to follow through on his plan. Huffing, he rolled onto his side facing her, and watched the gentle rise and fall of her breathing. It was going to be a long night.

Carina stretched sleepily as she began to wake from her slumber. Warmth enveloped her from all sides and she murmured contentedly. Her mind slowly began processing information, the first thing that truly registered was the fact that what her head was resting on was not her pillow. On the heels of that thought was the realization that strong male arms were cradling her close. So close, she could hear the strong, steady beat of a heart pounding beneath her ear.

She sat up abruptly, waking Duncan in the process. Horrified, she stared at him as his eyes slowly came open.

"Something wrong?" he asked in a soft, sleep-tinged voice.

"I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean to...I mean...oh, gods..."

Duncan came to full awareness, realizing what had happened. He reached up, pulling her back down into his arms. "Ssh ... it's alright, I didn't mind."

"But, I've never, I mean, I would never..."

"Carina, it's ok. It was a natural thing to do. No harm done. In fact, it was very pleasant sleeping with you in my arms."

"Mr. MacLeod, you don't understand-"

"Call me Duncan."

"Duncan...I've never been this close to a man before, most assuredly not one that..." her voice trailed off before she could finish confessing how attracted she was to him.

Duncan's strong hands forced her to look at him. His eyes caressed her face and before he could stop himself, he leaned toward her, softly placing his lips against hers. At her soft gasp, he pulled away slightly, his lips inches from hers.

Carina stared into those wonderfully dark brown eyes and knew she was lost. She wanted him. Wanted him as she'd never wanted another man in her life. Even if it was for only today, and they parted ways tomorrow, she would cherish this moment in time forever.

"I want you..." she softly whispered, abandoning all the principles she'd been raised on.

In response, Duncan growled softly and captured her lips once more. His tongue licked across her mouth, gently nudging it open, darting in to taste and plunder the sweet, untouched depths of her mouth.

Carina sighed, pressing her body closer to his, her hands sliding up under his shirt to trace along the muscles of his back. A small part of her seemed to stand outside her body, shocked at this wanton behavior, but as Duncan's lips moved from her mouth along her jaw and nibbled gently just under her ear, she shut it away. She wanted this and wanted it badly.

"Carina? Are ye sure about this? We barely know each other, I wouldna take advantage of you," he whispered into her ear, his warm breath fanning against her skin, sending delectable shivers along her spine.

"I'm sure, Duncan. I want...no, I need this. I need one moment of pleasure to carry with me through the rest of my life." Moving her hands down, she grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it up over his head. She gazed, awestruck at the power and beauty of his magnificent chest. Instinct was driving her now as she bent her head and nibbled and licked her way across his chest. Hesitantly, her hands reached out caressing his chest softly and moving tentatively downward..

Another soft growl came from deep within Duncan's chest as he pushed her away gently. "Easy, lass, we've lots of time." Unbuttoning her blouse, he skimmed his hands across her shoulders, pushing the shirt down and off. His eyes met hers as he took hold of the ribbon that held her chemise together and tugged it untied.

Shyly, she leaned forward for another kiss. Lips met, mouths opened and tongues danced together, stoking the fire that burned between them higher. Carina felt her chemise part and threw her head back as Duncan trailed a line of hot kisses down to the hollow of her throat, she whimpered softly as she fisted her hands into that wild mane of dark hair, pulling him closer.

Minutes passed with Duncan taking his time, sending her into a frenzied mass of desire. Carina moaned, tossing her head against the pillows when he removed her breeches, baring her to his gaze. His quickly followed and she gasped at her first look at him.

"Easy, sweetheart, I won't hurt you." Duncan breathed into her ear as he held himself back, not wanting to frighten her.

"I know. Just...I've never..."

Moving over her, he parted her legs gently with his knee, settling himself carefully. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" he asked in an effort to distract her from her fears.

She looked away shyly. "No one's ever told me that before."

"Then the men of England are the fools I always thought them to be. You're one of the most beautiful women I've met in many long years." Sealing his mouth against hers, he kissed her deeply, gently taking her in the process.

Carina lay in Duncan's arms afterward, basking in the afterglow. She shivered as his fingers traced idle patterns across her body. "Did you mean what you said? You find me beautiful?"

"Aye, I do. Beautiful on the outside and," his finger tapped gently above her heart, "beautiful in here. Will you tell me now why you became a pirate? Why you kidnapped my friend and I?"

"It's a long story, one that--" She was interrupted by a knock on her cabin door.

"Captain Carina? You requested we let you know when we spotted land and it was spotted about 10 minutes ago. We should be making landfall in about two hours," came the voice of Daniel through the door.

"Thank you, Daniel, I'll be up in a few minutes." She turned to Duncan, smiling apologetically. "I guess the story will have to wait, I'm needed above decks. I'll see that breakfast is delivered to you. Thank you for everything."

Duncan grabbed her hand as she climbed out of the bed, kissing it. "My pleasure, my love. Tend to your duties, but hurry back to me."

Carina smiled softly, dressed and left the cabin.

Methos woke to a ticklish sensation against his nose. Absently, he reached up to brush at the offending object, only to find his hand tangled in hair. Frowning, he opened one eye blearily to discover long strands of hair spilling across his face. Then the pleasant sensation of female curves pressed tightly against him came to him. A grin crossed his face. This should be good. Can't wait for the little hellcat to wake up and discover this.

Moving carefully, he eased the hair off his face and smiled at the soft sound of contentment she uttered. Her head was resting on his chest, one arm hugging him and one leg situated between both of his, causing pleasurable sensations when she moved it slightly.

Turning his head, he breathed deeply, inhaling her scent, a pleasant combination of sea, outdoors and sun that aroused him more than the expensive perfumes that the ladies of the day doused themselves with. He tightened his hold on her, willing her to wake, just so he could see her eyes flash with those passionate emotions she showed the world.

Closing his eyes, Methos let his thoughts drift. What was it about this little spitfire that fired his blood and caused such mixed emotions in him? On the one hand, she infuriated him until he could cheerfully strangle her. On the other, he was powerfully attracted to her, so much so, that he wasn't sure he'd be able to carry out his plan to get them out of this. He snorted, shaking his head at his thoughts. God, if MacLeod could read my thoughts right now, I'd never hear the end of it. He'd think his damn chivalrous ideals were rubbing off onto me.

Brianna stirred, consciousness slowly arriving in stages. She stretched lazily, then suddenly went still as she realized there was a male arm draped across her.

"What the hell? Get off me!" she yelled.

"I beg to differ, Brianna, I am not *on* you. You appear to be on me." Methos responded mildly.

Horrified, Brianna realized he was right, but refused to back down. "Get your arm off me right now!"

"If I were *on* you, it would be more like this," Methos said, rolling over onto her and pinning her to the mattress.

Eyes flashed in rage at his action and she struggled against him, trying to push him off. "Get off me this instant, you...you swine, you!"

"Now, now, is that any way to speak to someone you were just cuddling against?"

His face was mere inches from hers, those damned hazel eyes blazing into hers, firing her blood hotly. She shook her head, trying to clear it.

He couldn't resist, those lips were just too tempting. His mouth came down over hers in a fiery kiss that left her gasping. She reeled under the sensual assault, fighting to control her reaction.

"I said--get off me, you oaf!" Her hands came up, beating against his chest. Calmly, Methos took them in one of his strong hands and pinned them above her head.

"Why do you fight me so, Brianna?" he purred into her ear. "You want me as much as I want you. Give in, I can show you wonders like you've never seen."

She struggled harder, eyes wild with fright. "Never," she whispered. "I don't want you--I don't want anyone."

Her struggling only inflamed Methos more. The hand not holding hers moved between their bodies, skimming down her chest, shoving the chemise aside. He drew in a sharp breath as the sweetness of her bare flesh came into view. "Perfect." He said as his lips traced along the top curve, slipping lower as she fought against him..

Brianna moaned, arching her back into the sensation. "No, please, don't. I don't want this."

"Ah, but your body tells a different story, my luv. Accept it. Accept me." His free hand went lower, softly caressing her side, before sliding beneath her pantalets, pushing them down below her waist.

She shook her head numbly, pleasure warring with fear inside her. "Please," she whispered, "Don't do this."

Ignoring her, Methos ground himself against her, breathing heavily at the sensations coursing through him. God, he wanted her, wanted her now and she wanted him as well, whether she admitted it or not. The darkness within him, so long buried, sprang to life. Nothing would stop him from bending her to his will as he tugged at his breeches, freeing himself.

The fear reached new heights in Brianna when she realized what he intended. She sobbed, tears spilling from her eyes as she made one last desperate plea. "Benjamin, please...don't..." she sobbed out.

The teary voice cut through the sensual haze and darkness that had wrapped itself around Methos. Startled, he looked up into her eyes, surprised and chagrined at the tears he saw there. He hesitated, wondering if this was some new ploy of hers. No, those tears seemed real enough. "Brianna?" he questioned.

"Please, let me go."

Releasing her hands, Methos sat up, pulling her into his arms as he gently brushed the tears away. She didn't resist, quietly letting him do as he wished. His lean fingers cradled her face, tilting it up to his. His eyes moved across her face, trying to read the emotions there. He didn't care for this new quiescence; it wasn't like her. "Brianna? What is it, little one?"

"Don't call me that. I'm not your little one, I'm not anyone's little on,." she said half-heartedly, her spirit still crushed that she'd allowed him to see her fear and her tears.

"Are you...is it possible...Brianna, are you untouched? A virgin?"

She tried to turn away from him, but he refused to let her go. "You think just because I captain a ship full of men and don't act as a proper young woman should that I'm a loose woman?"

"You are a virgin, aren't you?" Methos asked in wonder.

She sniffled, a single tear escaping her eye. "Yes. Satisfied?"

"Ah, Brianna, then I am sorry for my actions. You should have told me, I would have taken my time with you. The first time should never be rushed."

"You still don't get it, do you? I don't want you, nor do I want any man. I'm not some piece of goods to be bartered for."

"Stop lying to yourself and to me. You want me, and I want you. It will happen, just not today. I do apologize for the way I acted, but understand me; I want you badly, and I will have you, but only with your consent and full participation."

"No..." she whispered again, the denial sounding weak even to her own ears.

"Oh, yes, my little hellcat, oh yes." Once again, his lips came down over hers, only gentler this time. Slowly and patiently, he stroked and teased her mouth until she was panting heavily and her arms had come up around his neck. He pulled away, smiling gently as her glazed eyes met his. "You see? You can't deny that you want me as well."

Brianna opened her mouth to retort, only to be stopped by the sound of a knock on her door.

"Brianna? Land's been spotted. We should be home in a couple of hours. You coming up?" came Carina's voice through the door.

Brianna cleared her throat, still looking up at Methos. "I'll be there in a minute, sis. Just getting dressed now."

Sliding out of the bed, Brianna gathered up her clothes and started donning them, refusing to meet Methos' knowing stare.

"If you promise to behave, I won't lock you in. I'll send breakfast to you shortly."

"You can run, but you can't hide, Brianna. What's between us is something you can't deny or fight. Surrender to it," Methos said silkily, the words sliding over Brianna, stirring up sensations she'd rather not examine at the moment.

Picking up her sword, she glanced once more at the man reclining at ease in her bed and hurried out the door before she could change her mind and find out just what it was he meant by there being something between them.

Methos shut his eyes at the sound of the door closing. He was still wound tight from their encounter and puzzled even more at his actions. Why hadn't he just taken her and been done with it? This wasn't like him, if he wanted something; he took it, regardless of the consequences. The image of her teary face flashed in front of him and he sighed, realizing that he couldn't have done that to her, not after finding out she was untouched. Good Gods, the little wench has worked her way under my skin and into my blood. MacLeod, I hope you rot for doing this to me. Chivalry, my ass. Shaking his head at his folly, Methos sank into his pillows and fell back asleep.

Methos leaned lazily against the railing, watching the land in the distance grow closer. Idly he wondered just where in the world they were. They'd only left England two days ago, so they couldn't be too far from there. Hearing footsteps behind him, he turned to see MacLeod making his way towards him. His eyes narrowed at the satisfied smile that lurked on the Highlander's lips.

Leaning his elbows on the railing, Methos affected an air of nonchalance. His eyes glanced past the Scot, unerringly finding the slim form of Brianna as she paced the upper deck near the wheel of the ship. He watched the muscles flex in her legs as she walked back and forth, gritting his teeth as he remembered how they'd looked underneath him recently.

"Morning, Benjamin, sleep well?" cheerily asked Duncan as he drew up beside him.

"Slept just fine, thank you." Methos glared at him. "Bedded the dark wench, didn't you?"

"Carina, her name is Carina. And that is none of your business."

"Hmph. No need to answer, it's written all over your face. Find out any information? Such as why they kidnapped us? Why two lovely women such as they are playing at piracy? Or perhaps, where we're going? Or were you too busy rutting?"

Duncan finally turned to glare at Methos. "What *is* your problem this morning?

Methos didn't answer for several minutes, his mind distracted as he watched Brianna jump down to the deck they were standing on and move towards them.

Duncan's eyes bounced between Methos and Brianna, watching them both tense and bristle as she came nearer. He grinned behind his hand as he realized what had probably happened. The little wench was apparently not as easily tamed as Methos had thought. No wonder he was so damn grumpy this morning.

"Gentlemen," Brianna said, although the inflection she put on the word led Duncan to hear it as an insult. "We'll be making landfall shortly. I should inform you that once we're there, there's no way off the island. Except by my ship. No one there will aid you in any way, as they're all in my pay and loyal to me. You'll be released and sent back home once I receive the gold for your ransom. Enjoy your stay, gentlemen."

Brianna turned, wanting to get as far away from Benjamin as she could. She was still upset over the earlier incident and more over the fact that she'd shown fear than anything else.

"Brianna?" Methos' soft, silky voice stopped her in her tracks. "Will I be sharing a bed with you there as well?"

I will not respond, I will *not* respond. Brianna chanted mentally as she ground her teeth together, a sound suspiciously like a growl escaping her lips. "I don't think so, Doctor Adams. Pigs will fly before that happens again." Damnit! You responded anyway, get a hold of yourself, girl!

"Pity. Waking up and finding you in my arms was a most pleasant way to start the day. Those legs draped across mine, your breasts pressed up--"

"Doctor Adams!" she screeched, drawing the eyes of the crew in their direction. Methos smirked; enjoying this little game they played, even if it did bring forth images that played havoc with his senses.

Without another word, Brianna stomped off, snarling at the crew to get back to work.

"That was cruel, Methos, even by your standards," Duncan hissed under his breath.

"You do things your way, MacLeod, I'll do them mine."

"And you wonder why she wouldn't succumb to you last night."

"No, MacLeod, I don't wonder. I know why. She's a virgin; I made the mistake of assuming otherwise and lost my chance with her this time. There will be a next time. Virgin or no, she wants me, and I will have her."

"Yes, it was painfully obvious how much she wants you," Duncan said sarcastically.

"And yours? How hard did you have to try to bed her? Or was it just another case of the woman being unable to withstand your charms?"

"Methos--"Duncan said threateningly.

Methos waved him away imperiously. "I know what I'm doing, MacLeod. The wench will be mine." Once again his eyes skipped past the Scot, finding and resting on Brianna longingly.

Following his gaze, Duncan was surprised to see where it had landed. His friend couldn't seem to take his eyes off the small blond woman and Duncan was fascinated, he'd never seen Methos this way before. Duncan stared at his friend for a long moment. "I'll be damned."

"What?" Methos groused out irritably.

"You've fallen for her, haven't you? That's why you didn't just take her last night. You want her to return the feelings."

"Don't be ridiculous, MacLeod. She's nothing to me."

Duncan shook his head. "You can't fool me, old friend. I wish you luck, but be careful that you don't let her slip through your fingers while you're playing this game with her."

"It's a game I intend to win, MacLeod."

"Then what? Do you care naught for what you'll be putting that poor girl through? Would you toy with her emotions just to satisfy your need to best her?"

"All's fair, MacLeod. What of you? Given any thought to what your dark wench might be thinking now? Or does the gallant hero plan to ride off into the sunset after saving the fair damsel from a life of crime?"

Duncan shook his head in disgust. "Sometimes I just don't understand you, Methos."

"Good. Let's keep it that way, shall we?"

Brianna was still furious with herself over how quickly she'd allowed that arrogant Doctor Adams to anger her. She stomped her way below decks, nearly running into Carina in her blind rage.

"Brianna? You ok?" Carina asked. "What's wrong?"

Leaning against the wall, Brianna inhaled deeply a few times in an effort to steady herself. "It's that...that...Doctor Adams, he's one of the most insufferable, irritating men I've ever had the misfortune to meet."

"Really? He didn't strike me as such. He is attractive, though, don't you think? In a non-classical way, that is."

"He's a pig."

Carina arched an eyebrow at her sister. "I think you're protesting a bit much. I saw the way you kissed him yesterday. You didn't seem to think he was a pig, then."

Brianna scowled, scuffing her booted foot across the wooden planking. "That was before--"

"Before what?"

"Nothing." She looked up at her sister, then. A strange look crossed her face as she noticed the slight smile and faint air of satisfaction written on Carina's face. "What's with you? Why are you looking...you did it with that Scot, didn't you? You made love with him. Carina! How could you?"

"Don't you dare try to lecture me, Brianna. Yes, I made love with him and it was the most wondrous experience in my life. I don't regret it. For once, I did something that *I* wanted, that pleased me, and I would do it all over again."


"No, Brianna, not this time. All my life, I've done what Father wanted, what Mother wanted, even what you wanted. Well, not this time. This was for me and me alone; I'll not let you ruin it by lecturing me on how all men are swine and not worth spitting on. Open your eyes, Brianna, not all men are like that. Duncan isn't."

"Duncan? So, it's 'Duncan'now?" Brianna sneered.

"Leave it be, I'm warning you."

"Or what?"

Carina merely shook her head. "When we get to the island, if Duncan wishes to, he'll be staying in my room."

"You've lost your mind. Do you think that for one second, once the ransom is paid, he'll stick around?"

"It doesn't matter one way or the other. If our plan fails, and I'm forced into that loveless marriage that dear Uncle Cedric has planned for me, I want something to remember in the years to come."

"That's not going to happen, I won't let it."

Carina's eyes softened as she stared down into her sister's indignant face. "I know, hon, you don't want it any more than I do. You'll do your best; we both know that. I'm just being practical about everything. I have to be ready to accept my fate."

"I refuse to accept it, I won't give up without a fight. Even if I have to take on the whole damn world--you will not marry that horrid creature our uncle picked out."

Carina hugged her sister tightly. "You would, too, I know, and I love you for it. For now, though, let me be happy, give me this much, please?"

Grudgingly, Brianna nodded. "Fine, enjoy the Scot. Just promise me if he hurts you in any way I can avenge you."

"My word on it." Carina grinned. "Such a bloodthirsty wench, always spoiling for a fight."

"Well, somebody had to stick up for you--you certainly weren't going to do it."

"Didn't have to, my big sis was always there for me. Ready to take on any and all comers."

Grinning, Brianna shrugged and gave Carina a quick hug and stepped back. "I'll always be there for you, never doubt it."

"I know, just as I am there for you. And Brianna? Go easy on Doctor Adams, he can't be that bad if he's a friend of Duncan's."

"Now who's trying to lecture?"


"Fine, I promise not to kill him, is that good enough?" At her sister's glare, she sighed heavily. "Ok, ok, I'll try and be nice. But I reserve the right to defend myself against him."

Carina shook her head, knowing that was the best she was going to get. "Accepted."

The two women walked away, each going into their separate cabins to prepare for landfall.

Methos stood on the stairway leading down, a small, knowing smirk on his face. At last, he had partial answers to some of his questions. All he need do now was find out the rest. Pig, am I? That remark will cost you dearly, little hellcat. If you thought I was a pig before, just wait.

The shouts of the crew above told Methos that they were about to land and he retreated hastily back up the stairs, his mind working rapidly behind his calm appearance.

Brianna lounged back into the tub, closing her eyes and allowing the heat of the water to seep into her aching muscles. It had been a long day. First there had been that dreadful encounter with Doctor Adams which she was still confused about. Then, the scene on the ship, with him practically announcing to any and all who listened how close they'd been. That still grated on her nerves, she'd pay him back somehow for that. And then finding out her sister had allowed that Scot to bed her, which if that wasn't enough to send her over the edge, she didn't know what was. She sighed tiredly.

And it hadn't stopped there, with landfall had come the business of getting their two prisoners settled, writing up the ransom notes and sending them back to England with the ship, effectively stranding them here until it returned with the ransom. She shuddered at that idea, realizing she was now trapped on an island with the most irritating, infuriating, and handsomest man she'd ever met.

Handsome? Where the hell did that come from? she groaned to herself. I do *not* find him attractive, no I most sincerely do not. He's crude, sarcastic, bullying and...and...and has the most wonderful eyes. And that voice? Ah, it sends shivers down my spine when he whispered my name. Dammit!! Angrily, she slapped at the water, irritated with herself that despite everything, she really wanted to feel his lips against hers again. Wanted to feel those strong arms wrapped around her, his body pressed up against hers. Damned if she'd let *him* know that, though.

"Now, isn't this a lovely picture?" came that voice she'd just been thinking of.

Startled, she opened her eyes, her mouth dropping open to see Doctor Adams standing beside her tub.

"Careful, little one, your bubbles seem to be disappearing. Enjoying your bath?"

"What the--how the hell--GET OUT!!!" she screeched, sinking lower into the tub to cover herself.

Methos knelt down, his hand dipping into the water, skimming a layer of bubbles aside. "Very nice. Mind if I join you?"

"I most certainly DO!! What are you doing in here? This is MY room, you are NOT invited!"

“I decided the room you put me in was too small and awfully drafty as well. This is much nicer. The bed's bigger, too. Plenty of room for the both of us, don't you think?" he smirked, "Of course, given your proclivity for snuggling against me, size doesn't really matter, does it?"

Brianna could feel the rage strangling her. Good Gods, this man would be the death of her! "You will NOT be staying here in my room, nor will you be sleeping in my bed." she ground out.

"No sleeping? Mmmm ... that sounds marvelously decadent ... up all night, exploring each other's bodies, discovering what pleases the other..."

Speechless with rage, Brianna reached down the side of the tub, fingers scrabbling for her sword that she always kept in reach. Puzzled, she found nothing but air.

"Looking for this?" Methos asked, raising her sword to eye level.

"That's mine! Give it back!"

"Possessive, aren't we? Just admiring it, luv. It looks an awful lot like mine. Speaking of which, where is mine?"

"Safe. I'm not foolish enough to let you have it here."

"Pity, guess I'll have to take this one. Little small, but still useful."

"You can't..."

Methos touched the blade to her chest. "I believe I can, little hellcat. He who wields the blade has final say."

Brianna gulped. Surely, he wouldn't harm her. Yet...the sword point pressing against her heart gave her second thoughts about that. Swallowing back the sudden lump of fear in her throat, she glared belligerently up at him.

Methos laughed softly. "Ah, Brianna, my luv, I do admire that spirit of yours. Even faced with what could be certain death, you remain defiant." The smile fell from his face as quickly as it had come. "Stand up."

"You've gone mad if you think for one minute--" The sword pressed just the tiniest bit harder against her and she edged backwards in the tub, trying to escape.

"Stand up, Brianna. Now."

Looking from the sword to his eyes, Brianna decided that perhaps her best course of action was to do what he asked. Hesitantly, she reached out for the towel that lay within reach, her cheeks flaming red at this latest indignity that he was laying upon her.

Methos watched her reach for the towel and quickly snatched it out of her grasp, smiling thinly at her outraged gasp. "Just as you are will do fine. I wish to see what my gold is paying for."

Brianna stared at him in shock, dumbfounded for the moment. Then her naturally sharp tongue kicked in. "If you think that your gold is paying for me, then I know you've gone mad." She stood without thinking, her mind in a full-blown rage. "The gold is to help keep my sister from having to marry. If I can gather enough, I can buy off that foul creature Uncle Cedric chose and--" she stopped, suddenly realizing from the way he stared that he wasn't listening to anything she was saying and rational thought returned. Immediately, she clapped her arms around herself, trying to hide what he'd already seen.

Methos swallowed hard, trying to rein in the sudden lust that had overcome him at the sight of her naked form. Perhaps that wasn't one of my better ideas, he thought ruefully. "God, you're beautiful, Brianna." He stepped closer, lowering the sword and pulling her into his arms tightly as she struggled against him. His lips nuzzled the soft, tender skin below her ear as he murmured soothing, nonsensical words to her.

"Let me go, you jackass!" Brianna squirmed, his lips causing little sparks of pleasure to erupt along her nerve endings. A soft moan came from her as his lips trailed across her jaw line, finally capturing her lips with his. Helpless under the onslaught, she opened her mouth to his kiss.

The sword fell unnoticed to the floor as Methos accepted her invitation and deepened the kiss. Her arms moved of their own volition to curl around his neck as she pressed herself closer to him. A soft growl came from deep within Methos as his hands skimmed down her side, resting on the curve of her hips, his long slender fingers cupping her bottom as he moved against her.

Tearing himself away from her lips, breathing heavily, he stared down into her glazed eyes, wanting to take her to the bed and ravish her from head to toe. But a part of him knew she wasn't ready for that yet, and that it would be a mistake to try. Sighing heavily and with great reluctance, he moved her away from him.

Feeling the cool air hit her heated skin; Brianna stared puzzled as he turned away from her. "Benjamin? What...?"

"Get dressed, Brianna, I'll see you at dinner." Methos strode from the room before he could change his mind and go back to finish what they'd started.

Brianna stared at the closed door for a long time after he'd left. What the hell had happened? Why had he stopped? And why the hell did it matter to her? He'd had her where he wanted her, why hadn't he taken advantage? She couldn't have stopped him, even if she'd wanted to. The surprising thought that she hadn't wanted him to stop, had wanted him to continue shocked her. I've lost my mind, that's it. There's just no way I want that insufferable pig. But in her innermost being, she knew she was lying to herself.

Carina lay cradled in Duncan's arms, savoring the aftermath of their lovemaking. There was something decidedly wicked about making love in the middle of the afternoon, but she shrugged it off, wanting to enjoy every moment she could.

Duncan brushed the hair back off her face, wondering at the strong feelings he had for this woman he held in his arms. He'd known her for less than two days and already he was having a hard time picturing his life without her. Still, there were some things he had to know and decided that now was as good a time as any to find out.

"Carina, do you think you can tell me now why you became a pirate? What led you to this?"

"It was Brianna's idea. Our father died three years ago leaving us on our own. His brother, Cedric, decided that two young women had no business running our father's shipping company despite the fact that Father had made his wishes quite clear on the matter. Uncle Cedric came in, stole the business from us, and stole our inheritance as well. There was nothing we could do. The courts aren't favorable to women, much less two young women such as Brianna and I were then."

"But, that happens all the time, that's no excuse to turn to a life of crime."

Carina smiled faintly. "You don't know Brianna or you'd never say that. Brianna became outraged over Uncle Cedric's treatment. She knew she was capable of running the business; she'd been at Father's side, learning it all since she was a small child. She was determined that one-way or the other, she'd get it back. I wasn't happy, either, but was resigned to the way things were. In my mind, it could have been worse, Uncle Cedric could have left us to fend for ourselves, but he took us in when he sold our parent's house. It was only when he began making noises about marrying us off that Brianna decided enough was enough."

"I pity the poor man who ends up with her."

"Duncan! That is my sister you're talking about."

"I know sweetheart, but even you have to admit she's a little hellion."

"Tis true. It will take a strong man to claim her and win her heart." She paused, thinking for a second. "Duncan? Your friend, Doctor Adams, is he-?"

Duncan smiled. "Matchmaking?"

"No, well...maybe a little. I've never seen Brianna react this way to any man before. She'll never admit it, but I think she's very attracted to him."

"Benjamin is very attracted to her as well. Not that he'll admit it, either. You changed the subject. Why the piracy?"

"Brianna's idea, as I said. She thought the best way to get our money back was to simply take it back from the person who stole it. Uncle Cedric knew nothing of the ship we now captain because Father kept it a secret; I don't think he really trusted his brother. This island as well, only Brianna and I know of it." Carina shrugged. "One thing led to another and we started attacking ships that belonged to Uncle Cedric. Never any others. Slowly, we've regained part of what we lost."

"How do you do this without raising suspicions? Surely your uncle notices your absences?"

"Not really. He spends most of his time in London, leaving us at his country estate. We slip in and out with none knowing the wiser. The few servants he keeps have kept our secret, they dislike him as well."

"I understand the robbery of your uncle's ships, but why kidnap us?"

Closing her eyes, Carina sighed heavily. "Again, Brianna's idea. My uncle has recently stepped up his efforts to marry us off. I've been contracted to marry this simply awful man that Uncle has picked out. Brianna thinks if she gains enough gold, she can buy my way out of the contract. We spotted you at a ball three weeks ago, you seemed wealthy, and Brianna hit upon the idea of ransoming you."

"I don't remember seeing you at that ball, I'm sure I would have never forgotten such a fair lady as yourself," Duncan said, brushing his lips against hers.

"You wouldn't have noticed us, we stayed in the background. Safer to stay out of sight of any prospective suitors."

"There must be a better way than piracy, though, you risk death with this."

"If you have any better solutions, I'd be more than happy to hear them." Carina said hotly. "I may not agree with my sister on all things, but she's doing what she thinks best to gain our freedom."

Laying a finger gently across her lips, Duncan shushed her. "I'm not disparaging your sister, I just think there must be a better way. Let me think on it, I may be able to help." Leaning down, he kissed her softly. "Let's move on to more pleasurable topics, shall we?"

Smiling against his mouth, Carina nodded, moaning as his hands began stirring her body to new heights once again.

Carina smiled apologetically once again at Duncan and Methos as they sat at the dining table, awaiting Brianna. "I'm sure I don't know what's keeping her, she knows what time we were planning on dinner."

Methos snorted softly into his glass of wine. "Does she need any reason to be irritating?" He glowered at Duncan when Duncan kicked him under the table.

"Behave, Benjamin," Duncan said as he turned his attention to Carina who sat across the table from him. "You have no need to apologize, dear lady, tis not your fault."

"Still--" Carina began and then stopped at the sound of the door opening. All three turned their eyes that direction. Carina gaped at her sister, shocked at her appearance.

Brianna sauntered in wearing breeches, a loose shirt and boots. Making her way to the table, she slouched down into the chair, hanging a leg over the arm as she slapped her sword pointedly down on the table. "Evening." she said, picking up her glass of wine and downing it in one long swallow.

"Brianna! What are you doing dressed like that? At the dinner table? In front of our guests?"

"What? This? Forgotten where we are, sis? I don't dress for dinner on the island, you know that." Reaching out, she picked up the wine bottle and filled her glass.

"But, we have guests--"

"Prisoners, Carina, not guests. I'll not change my ways for prisoners."

Methos kept his face blank, but inside, he was chuckling at the spirited wench. If she thought this would shock him, she was dead wrong. And that bit with the sword? Bravo, my luv, but it won't keep me away from you.

"Brianna, what would Mother say if she could see you now?" Carina asked.

"Probably the same thing she always did. How I was hopeless and would never learn to be a lady." Brianna shrugged. "She was right."

"Couldn't you at least try? For my sake?"

"Where's dinner?"

Carina shook her head, appalled at the way her sister was acting. "Duncan, Dr. Adams, I apologize again for my sister's--"

"Don't apologize for me, Carina, I don't need it, nor do I want it."

Glancing at Carina's reddened, embarrassed face, Methos decided enough was enough. He stood, bowing to Duncan and Carina. "If you'll pardon me, I believe someone needs a lesson in manners." So saying, he moved around the table, picked Brianna up and slung her over his shoulder. "We'll be back shortly--don't make the dinner wait."

Outraged, Brianna screeched, beating on his back as they walked out of the room. "Put me down! You have no right! You insufferable pig, how dare you?"

Ignoring her, Methos continued up the stairs, whistling idly as she continued her verbal barrage. Opening the door to her room, he strode in, tossing her onto the bed.

Brianna was livid as she rolled onto her hands and knees, eyes flashing angrily at Methos. "You arrogant ass! I should have you tossed into the middle of the sea for this! How dare you--"

"Enough Brianna, I don't care how you treat me, but you'll not shame your sister like that. Stop acting like a child."

"Child? Child? Is that what you think now? Funny, you didn't seem to think so earlier when you were pawing me."

Shaking his head, Methos grabbed hold of her shoulders and shoved her down onto the bed, pressing her into the mattress with his body. "Your actions are those of a spoiled child, little hellcat, your body may be grown up, but your mind hasn't followed." His mouth rested against her ear, whispering softly to her. "As for the 'pawing', as you so charmingly put it, you were not exactly unwilling, my luv."

Brianna squirmed, fighting to get away from him. "You had a damn sword to me, that's the only reason you got away with it. But not this time." Bringing her leg up, she reached inside her boot, withdrawing the dagger she'd hidden there earlier. She placed it against his chest, point resting against his heart. "I suggest, dear Doctor, that you get off now, don't make me use this."

Raising his head to look down into her eyes, he smiled thinly. "You don't have the nerve to kill someone, Brianna, much less someone you want to make love with."

"Don't make the mistake of doubting me, and I most certainly do *not* want to make love with you."

"Stop denying it, we both want it. Go with it, little hellcat, it will be wonderful."


Methos shook his head once again and grabbed the hand holding the dagger. She fought him for possession, his strength matched by her wild anger. During the struggle, the dagger slipped, plunging into Methos' chest.

Staring down at her, his eyes clouding over, he groaned. "I wish you hadn't done that," he gasped out before collapsing upon her.

Brianna's horrified scream rang through the house.

As the echo of the scream died down, Carina looked at Duncan with large, shocked eyes. Duncan looked back with a worried expression.

"Duncan? He wouldn't hurt her, would he?"

Duncan shoved his chair back, jumping to his feet and striding quickly from the room. Carina hastily followed behind him, asking him again if Dr. Adams would harm her sister.

Climbing the stairs at a near-run, Duncan flung back over his shoulder, "I don't think he would, but something's happened. Which way to your sister's room?"

Cursing under her breath at the cumbersome skirts she was wearing, Carina gathered them up, pulling them high enough so that she could run without stumbling. "This way." she said, making a left turn at the top of the stairs and racing down the hall. Shoving open the door to the room, Carina stopped in shock at the scene in front of her. Duncan ran into her, grabbing her shoulders to prevent her fall.

His eyes swept quickly across the tableau in front of him, his sharp gaze missing nothing as he assessed the situation. He slammed the door behind him quickly to prevent the possibility of any further witnesses to this.

Brianna sat huddled against the headboard, tear-filled eyes staring at the inert, blood-covered body of Dr. Adams. Her shirt and hands were stained red with blood and she whimpered slightly in denial.

"Brianna?" Carina questioned gently.

Brianna slowly turned her gaze toward her sister, her face pale with shock. "I didn't mean to, it...it...was an accident...Carina? He...he's dead...I--"

Carina rushed to the bed, gathering her sister in her arms and rocking her gently. "Ssh, it's alright, I know you didn't mean to. Honey, what happened?"

"I...I don't know...we...he..." Brianna drew in a deep, hitching breath, trying to calm herself enough to speak. "He...he was being his usual bullying self, and talking about...talking about making love and I...I pulled my dagger out of my boot. I didn't mean anything; I really wasn't going to hurt him! He just wouldn't quit. We struggled over it and ... and then he was dead! I didn't mean to! He was just being so...so..."Brianna broke down again, shuddering at the knowledge that she'd just killed a man.

While Carina comforted her sister, Duncan thought frantically about a way out of this without revealing their immortality, but he knew it was hopeless. He couldn't leave the little one thinking she'd killed someone, and they were stuck on this island with no way of concealing Methos' being alive. He strode over to the bed, rolling Methos over and removed the dagger from his chest.

"Carina, something's about to happen that I don't have time to explain yet. Please, try and stay calm and keep your sister quiet as well."

"Duncan? My sister just killed your friend, and you want me to stay calm? She could be hanged for this and--" Carina stopped, eyes going wide at the sound of Dr. Adams' sudden gasp of air. "What the...Duncan? He was dead, what's going on here?"

Methos sat up carefully, rubbing his chest where it still ached. His eyes met Duncan's ruefully. "Damn little spitfire has more guts than I thought. I hope you were able to keep this from them, Mac." At Duncan's slight shake of his head, Methos rolled his eyes. A slight gasp from behind him brought his head around. "Oh, shit," he muttered under his breath.

This second shock on top of the previous one was too much for Brianna. When his eyes, very much alive, met hers, she fainted dead away.

"Oops," Methos said, shrugging at Duncan's glare.

Carina stared confused from one to the other. She knew she should be frightened at the sight of a man very much alive who had been very much dead not minutes ago, but she wasn't. Curiosity was fueling her now. "Duncan? What is going on?"

Methos interrupted before Duncan could respond. "MacLeod, would you take Carina and explain things to her elsewhere? I think I should be the one to explain to the little hellcat here when she awakens."

"Benjamin, I'm not sure that's such a good idea, leaving you alone with her."

"We'll be fine, I promise. Leave her to me, MacLeod." Methos reached out, taking Brianna gently out of Carina's arms and cradling her in his. Glancing up, he caught Duncan's worried look. "I won't hurt her, MacLeod, I swear."

Reluctantly, Duncan agreed. Taking Carina's hand, he helped her from the bed. Carina turned back for one last comment to the man on the bed.

"I don't know what's happened here, Dr. Adams, but go easy on my sister. I know she didn't intend to really hurt you. She just--"

"Rest easy, Carina. I intend her no harm."

Filled with trepidation, Carina allowed Duncan to lead her from the room.

Methos gazed down at the limp form he cradled in his arms. Damn you, little hellcat, this wasn't supposed to happen. You weren't supposed to find out about my immortality, weren't supposed to be anything more than a pleasurable dalliance. His fingers gently brushed her hair off her face, lingering softly on her cheek. Now everything's gone to hell. What will I face when you wake up? Will you run from me? Think me some kind of monster? Or will you be the defiant, headstrong woman I've seen and scream at me for scaring the wits out of you?

Brianna stirred, interrupting Methos' reverie. Her eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding them for a moment as she met his eyes. He saw the moment she remembered what had happened, as her eyes went wide in shock. She jerked away, scrambling out of his arms, and backing up to the edge of the bed. His heart sank as he braced himself for her denouncement of him.

"You were dead. I killed you." she gasped out.

"True on both accounts, little one."

"Then how can you be alive? It's not possible. What are you?"

"I'm an immortal, I cannot die."

"Cannot die? But everyone dies, it's the law of nature."

"For most. There are some, like me, who die, yet live again. We live forever, never aging, never dying."

Brianna stared silently at him for a few moments, her mind racing with this new information. "Are you...human?"

"As human as you are, Brianna. Just...different."

Edging carefully back toward him, she reached out a tentative hand, placing it on his chest where the dagger had entered. She traced warily where the wound should have been. "It's healed. There's no wound, no scar, nothing to show you were ever hurt."

Methos placed his hand over hers gently. "Another aspect of immortality is rapid healing of wounds."

Anger flared up in her suddenly, irrationally. "You bastard! You let me think I killed you!" She yanked her hand away from him, eyes flashing in rage.

Methos chuckled, pulling her close to him, pinning her arms to her side when she struck out at him. He waited until she subsided, breathing heavily from her exertions. "My little hellcat, I hardly had the chance to tell you anything when you stabbed me. I was a little preoccupied at that moment with dying."

Grudgingly, Brianna had to concede that point. Her mind went back to something he'd said. "You said you never age, that you live forever. How old are you?" Brianna was rapidly losing her fear over what had happened, curiosity and fascination were riding high in her blood now.

Releasing her from his grasp, Methos studied her, gauging whether or not she was ready for the truth. Her eyes never wavered from his and he saw no fear in them, just questions. "I'm nearly 5000 years old, give or take a century or two. I don't quite remember when I was born."

Her eyes widened in shock. "5000 years old?" she whispered. "That's...that's incredible." She reached up, tracing his face with her fingertips, amazed at the things she was finding out about this man.

Methos closed his eyes at her touch. He was overwhelmed with intense feelings of longing and loneliness. Feelings he hadn't faced in a long time were rising to the surface at her caress. Did he dare hope she could accept him, take some of the loneliness away?

"So sad," she murmured.

"Sad?" he asked softly, his eyes opening and meeting hers.

"Yes, sad. It must be so lonely living that long, watching friends and loved ones die and yet, you go on."

"It's the price one pays for immortality. One learns to cope."

Brianna caught sight of her hand and yanked it back away from his face. Methos felt a twinge of disappointment at the sudden loss.

"I can understand if you don't want to be around me, now that you know the truth."

"What? Oh, no, it isn't that! I'm sorry, I got blood on your face, I didn't realize--" Brianna stopped, looking dismayed at her hands. "This is your blood...it's still so unbelievable."

Methos laughed softly in relief. "Not the first time I've had blood on me. Here, let me clean you up." Rising from the bed, Methos crossed the room to the stand that held the pitcher and basin for cleaning. Removing his waistcoat, he dropped it on the chair in a careless heap. Pouring the water, he picked up a cloth and the basin and headed back to the bed, setting it down between them.

Brianna watched him as he wet the cloth and gently started scrubbing her hand. She was puzzled at this new gentleness he was showing which was unlike everything he'd done before. She also found herself becoming aroused at the way he lingered over her fingers, smoothing the cloth across them in slow strokes, she hissed in pleasurable surprise when he finished with the first hand and gently kissed her palm.

Methos knew exactly what he was doing to her and smiled inwardly. The subtle increase in her breathing rate and the soft hiss of pleasure gave her away. Had I known this was the way to your bed, I'd have done this before now. He finished cleaning her other hand, placing another kiss on its palm as well.

Brianna looked up dazed into his eyes and realized she wanted him. Had wanted him since the moment she'd laid eyes on him. She couldn't fight it any longer, and found she didn't want to.

"Your turn," she said, taking the cloth from his hand. Dipping it into the water, she then reached out, rubbing it across his face softly to remove the blood smear she'd left there. Hesitantly, her gaze still melded with his, she unbuttoned the tattered remains of his shirt and pushed it aside.

It was Methos' turn to be surprised. "Brianna?"

"Blood. On your chest. Needs to be cleaned as well." She was having a hard time making coherent sentences as her gaze dropped to his smooth, leanly muscled chest and she began cleaning it.

He held his breath at her soft, tentative touch, afraid to do anything that might break the fragile web that was weaving itself around them. It was the first time she'd voluntarily touched him and he found it more arousing than the touch of any seasoned woman he'd had before.

Satisfied that she'd gotten all the blood off, Brianna dropped the cloth into the basin. Once again, her gaze met Methos' and she felt her mouth go dry at the heat she saw there. "All done," she managed to get out, as she picked up the basin of water and set it aside on the nightstand.

"Not quite," Methos responded. "You still have blood on your shirt." Keeping his eyes locked with hers, his hands reached out, slowly unbuttoning her shirt and slipping it off her. Brianna sat mesmerized, unable and unwilling to stop him. Her lips parted slightly as his fingers skimmed softly back up her arms, coming back to cup her face.

His lips came down over hers in a barely there caress that left Brianna wanting more. She tangled her fingers into his hair and pressed her lips harder against his, her mouth opening in invitation.

Without hesitation, Methos gave her what she was asking for, his lips and tongue setting her blood on fire, and sending pleasurable tingles along her nerve endings. She gasped as his mouth left hers, trailing along her chin, down her neck to the hollow of her throat. One arm went around her waist, supporting her when she went weak from the sensations he was causing.

"Benjamin," she sighed out as his lips moved further down to nibble across the tops of her breasts. Jarred by a sudden thought, her eyes opened and she tugged on his hair, pulling his head back up to meet his puzzled gaze.

"What's the matter?" he asked hoarsely, lust thickening and deepening his voice.

"What's your real name?"

"My real name? What are you talking about?" Methos hedged. His real name was not something he gave out freely or willingly; too many immortals would give anything to get their hands on the oldest living immortal.

"What's your real name? You said you were 5000 years old. Benjamin Adams is hardly that old of a name. I have to know before we go any further," she said adamantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You are one of the most--" he caught himself before he could insult her. "You're right, I don't go by my real name. It's too dangerous."

"Tell me. I'm hardly going to spread it around. Who would I tell and who would believe me? Besides, we're about to make love, I think it's only fair I know who you really are."

Methos closed his eyes tightly as his body responded to her words. He released a shuddery breath and pulled her in tight against him, lips brushing lightly across her ear as he whispered, "Methos".

Brianna shivered as his warm breath fanned across her neck. Hesitantly, she pressed a kiss against his neck, tongue tracing the pulsing vein she found there. "Thank you. Methos," she whispered back.

Moaning slightly at the sound of his real name crossing her lips, Methos continued his sensual assault, his mouth and hands searching and exploring her body, finding the spots that brought little whimpers and moans from her.

Brianna sighed contentedly as she snuggled into Methos, his arms cradling her close as she lay with her head on his chest. "I never dreamed...I mean...I had no idea that it could be so...so...wonderful." she whispered.

Methos smiled, kissing the top of her head. "That was just the beginning, little hellcat. There are more wonders to be had."

"Mmm ... and will you show them to me?"

"With pleasure, little one, but allow me to recuperate first." he chuckled.

With a sound like a contented purr, Brianna agreed, curling into his side and wrapping an arm across his chest. Her eyes closed and she slipped into a contented sleep.

Methos lay awake a few moments longer, his mind filled with images of the woman he held in his arms. He'd thought once he bedded her, then his fascination with her would lessen, but he'd found the opposite to be true. He was more intrigued than ever and was afraid all this was going to end very badly, with one of them hurt or worse.

He sighed, putting aside all thought for the moment and hugged Brianna tighter to him, holding her while he could and drifted off to sleep.

"Let me see if I understand this. You're immortal. You were born nearly 200 years ago and you can't die. And Dr. Adams is the same way?" Carina asked as she lay in Duncan's arms.

"Yes, that pretty much sums it up."

"It seems so incredible, people living forever. The things you must have seen, the things you will see." Carina hesitated, finally asking the question that had been bothering her. "You weren't planning on telling me, were you?"

Duncan looked into her eyes for a long moment. "It's not something I tell many people, Carina. People don't understand, and what they don't understand, they try to destroy."

"I won't tell anyone your secret, Duncan. You can trust me on that."

"I know. It's why I'm telling you now," Duncan said, kissing her lightly on the forehead. "Carina? I've been thinking, what would you do if you could do anything you wanted to with your life?"

"I don't know, I've never thought about it. Choice isn't something given to a woman of my status in life. Perhaps if Father hadn't died, I wouldn't be facing marriage to someone I loathe, yet he did, so therefore I have to accept what's been handed to me."

"Yet you had enough will to turn to piracy in an attempt to escape such a fate."

"Which wasn't my idea as you well know. Brianna can be very convincing and gave me the slight hope that I can avoid such a thing." She shook her head. "I haven't the heart to tell her that even if she buys this one off, Uncle will just find another one to take his place. Must we talk about this now? Can we not enjoy the time we have together before the world intrudes upon us?"

"I'm willing to offer you a different choice. What about me? Would you consider a life with me?"

Carina stared at him in shock. "What are you saying?"

"I'm asking you if you'd share your life with me. I realize it's sudden, that we haven't known each other long, but I've fallen in love with you, Carina. I can't bear the thought of letting you go, letting you marry someone else or worse, being hanged for a pirate. Marry me, Carina. I can make you happy if you'll allow me."

Carina's head spun, things were happening so fast. She could scarcely believe what she'd heard; it was like a dream come true. A life with a man she loved? "Duncan, I...you love me?"

"Aye, lass, I do. Do you think you could learn to love me? Even knowing what I am?"

"Learn to...Duncan, I've been in love with you since the moment you came on board my ship. I had no idea you could possibly feel the same way."

"How could I not? You're a strong woman, Carina. Brave, caring, loyal, and selfless. Marry me."

"Duncan, as much as I would love to say yes--I cannot. I cannot leave my sister alone to face our uncle's wrath. After everything she's done for me, I simply cannot abandon her."

"Then she can come with us. I can protect her as well."

Carina laughed softly. "Aye, that would go over well with her. I'm sorry Duncan--"

"Before you give a final answer, talk to her, see what she has to say. She might surprise you."

"Very well, I'll talk to her first thing in the morning." She looked shyly up at Duncan. "You really want to marry me? You really love me?"

Kissing her softly, he smiled. "Yes, to both questions."

Sighing, Carina snuggled closer. "I love you. I just have to see what Brianna thinks first." Frowning slightly, she changed the subject. "Do you think everything's alright with those two? It's been awfully quiet in there since we left them."

"I'm sure they're fine, sweetheart. Get some sleep. We'll talk more in the morning."


Brianna woke as the morning sun streamed in and fell across her face. She was momentarily disoriented at the feel of arms around her and a warm body next to her. Memory returned and she flushed as she remembered how they'd woken several times in the night to make slow, passionate love. Carefully, she eased her way out of Methos' embrace, holding her breath as he muttered something in his sleep and rolled away from her.

Quietly, she slipped out of bed, dressing and braiding her hair before returning to stare down at the man in her bed. Her thoughts were chaotic and confused. On one hand, she wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed with him and spend the rest of the day in his arms. On the other hand, she wanted to run as fast and as far away as she could before she found herself dependent on him, or worse, in love with him. Gods, it's not fair! How can you lie there looking so damn innocent? How can you not know what you're doing to me? I don't want this! I don't want these strange conflicting emotions I have. I don't want to feel anything for you--I can't! I may be innocent in the ways of love, but I know how men like you are. Bed the woman and leave her broken-hearted without looking back. If I allow myself to feel anything, that's what you'll do to me and I can't let that happen to me. I won't. I won't let you or anyone else take my freedom away from me. And I will not let you hurt me.

Shaking her head at her own folly, Brianna crossed the room to the safe in the wall. Opening it, she removed Methos' sword, admiring it for a moment, testing its weight, before leaning it against the wall by the door as she left the room. She hoped that she wasn't making a huge mistake by trusting him enough to give him his sword back.

Entering the dining hall, Brianna nodded curtly to Carina as she went to the sideboard, grabbed a croissant, placed it on a plate and poured herself a cup of tea.

"Good morning, Brianna. Everything go well with Dr. Adams? Did he explain the immortality thing to you?"

"It went fine. Yes, he explained," Brianna said curtly.

"Isn't it incredible? Imagine, a race of people living forever."

"It was incredible all right."

Carina looked curiously at her sister, wondering at her tone and her mood. "Is everything ok? Dr. Adams didn't hurt you, did he?"


"What happened?"

"Nothing," Brianna said tersely. "Drop it, Carina."

"But Brianna--"

"We made love! Ok!" she exploded. "Is that what you want to hear? Incredible, spine-tingling love and I don't want to talk anymore about it."

Carina felt her jaw drop and quickly closed it, staring at her sister once again. Something was wrong, but knowing her sister as she did, she wasn't about to talk about it until she was good and ready.

"I have some wonderful news, sis. Duncan--"

Staring down at the croissant that she was busily shredding instead of eating, Brianna rolled her eyes. "Please, if you're going to tell me how incredible a lover that Scot is, just spare me."

"He asked me to marry him."

Brianna went still, her heart stopping in her chest. "What?"

"I said, Duncan asked me to marry him. I told him I had to talk to you first, I won't abandon you or leave you alone to face Uncle Cedric."

Abruptly, Brianna shoved her chair back, rising to her feet. "Are you asking for my blessing? Need my approval? Fine. Marry the damn Scot, Carina, it'll solve all our problems, won't it? Don't worry about me; I'll be just fine. I can handle Uncle Cedric and I'll do just fine on my own."

"Brianna! Wait! Don't--" Carina shouted at her sister's retreating back, but Brianna never paused in her exit from the room.

Duncan chose that moment to appear in the door and Brianna scowled at him. "Congratulations. I hear we're going to be family," she tossed over her shoulder as she continued out the door.

Carina jumped as the sound of the front door slamming reverberated through the house.

"Was that good or bad news?" Duncan asked as he came up beside Carina's chair and leaned down to kiss her briefly.

"I don't know. She said she gave her blessing, but I'm worried about her. I've never seen her like this."

"Does that mean you'll say yes?"

Carina turned her gaze from the doorway through which Brianna had disappeared to Duncan's. His eyes gleamed with hope and love. "Aye, I do believe I will. Yes, Duncan, I'll marry you."

Smiling broadly, Duncan pulled Carina into his arms, his lips covering hers in a sweet kiss that melted Carina's heart.


The two jumped apart guiltily at the sound of Methos' voice behind them.

"Don't let me interrupt," Methos said casually as he sauntered towards the sideboard to peruse the breakfast fare. Settling on an apple, he polished it on his jacket before taking a bite and sitting down. "Seen Brianna this morning? She was gone when I woke up."

Carina and Duncan glanced at each other, then toward Methos once again.

Noticing the look that passed between them, Methos frowned. "What's with you two this morning?"

Duncan helped Carina into her chair again, and then sat down across from Methos. "Benjamin, when we leave here, Carina will be coming with us. I've asked her to marry me and she's accepted."

Methos was silent for a moment, his eyes darting back and forth between the two. "Well, you'll certainly go quite the distance to rescue a damsel in distress, won't you MacLeod?"

Glaring, Duncan drew a deep breath. "I love her, Benjamin, that is all the reason I need--"

Methos waved him off airily. "Don't get all blustery with me, if it's what you want, then by all means, go ahead, marry the wench."

"Benjamin, would you please stop calling her that? A little respect for my intended would be nice."

"Sorry, you're right. I apologize Carina, I hope you'll both be very happy."

"Thank you, Dr. Adams. I know this all must seem a little sudden to you, but I do love him," Carina said, smiling as she took hold of Duncan's hand.

"We'll be married as soon as we can return to England," Duncan said. "I hope you'll stand with me as my friend, Benjamin."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. By the way, how'd the little hellcat take the news?" Seeing another look pass between the two, Methos smiled: he had his answer. "Not very well, I take it. Perhaps I should go comfort the poor woman. Where is she?"

"Dr. Adams, if you value your health, I'd leave her alone right now," Carina said. "She needs some time to come to terms with this news, now wouldn't be a good time to upset her."

"Me? Upset her? Now how could I possibly do that?" he smirked as he rose from the table. "If you'll excuse me, I believe I need to find the little hellion and help her through this rough time."

Duncan rose as well, blocking Methos' exit. "Go easy on the poor lass. The past few hours have been enough of a trauma. Don't add to it."

"Out of my way, MacLeod."

"Why? So you can go terrorize the poor lass more?"

"She wasn't terrorized all night, MacLeod. She quite enjoyed my company." Methos paused, his eyes gleaming in remembrance. "Several times."

"Then I'll ask you the same question you asked me; have you given any thought to what she might be thinking now? Perhaps wondered why she left you without speaking?"

"Brianna is different from your Carina, MacLeod. I'm sure she's more upset over the impending nuptials than she is about what happened between us. As I said before, you do things your way, I'll do them mine."

"She may be different, but she's still a young woman, she still has feelings--"

"Do not lecture me, Highlander, I've years more experience dealing with the fairer sex than you. One last time, get out of my way."

Duncan sighed in resignation and stepped out of Methos' way. "I certainly hope you don't come to regret your course of action."

"Regrets are best left to mortals, MacLeod," Methos shot back as he left the room.


Methos had spent the day scouring the island in a fruitless effort to find Brianna. Everywhere he'd been it seemed she'd just left. Or so he'd been told. He had the feeling the residents were hiding her from him, but for what reason, he didn't know. Frustrated, he entered the dim coolness of the island tavern to slake his thirst before going back to the main house.

Brianna watched him make his way through the tables to the counter and order a pint. She sighed heavily as she shifted position to prop her booted feet up on the table. She'd known she couldn't avoid him all day, but she'd hoped for a little longer reprieve. Tilting her tankard up, she drained the last drops of ale and slammed it down against the table. Might as well get it over with, she thought glumly. "Barkeep! Another ale here!" she called out.

Methos turned at the sound of her voice and spotted the little wench comfortably ensconced at a table nearby. "I'll take these," he said, picking up both pints as the man set them down. Methos stood over her as he placed the fresh tankard of ale in front of her. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

Brianna shrugged carelessly. "It's a small island; I shouldn't have been that hard to find." She was pleased at the casual tone in her voice, she hadn't been sure she could carry it off once he came near.

"Perhaps not, but then having your compatriots hide your whereabouts didn't help. Why are you hiding?"

Gesturing broadly with an out swept arm, Brianna pointed out the tavern. "As you can see, I'm in plain sight, why ever would I want to hide?"

"Because your sister is getting married? Leaving you behind? Perhaps it's because you're more attracted to me than you care to admit and you're running from it? Perhaps you have feelings for me and they scare you?" Methos sat, pulling up a chair next to her.

Irritably, she scooted away from him. He'd come too close to the truth. "God, you really are a pig, aren't you?" she huffed. "A conceited one, at that. What on earth would make you think I have any feelings for you at all? As for my sister, if that's what she wants, then I'm happy for her."

Smiling slightly, he leaned in closer, his eyes boring into hers. "Back to square one, are we? You forget, I heard those sighs and moans last night, heard you calling out for more. I felt those arms around me, pulling me close--"

"I don't care to discuss this with you. Last night was a fluke, it won't happen again."

"Yes, it will. What are you so afraid of, little hellcat?"

"I'm afraid of nothing!" she shouted, slamming her mug onto the table for emphasis. Glancing around, she noticed the other patron's eyes on them and lowered her voice. "Go away, Dr. Adams, we have nothing further to talk about."

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Brianna. It's not over between us." Methos reached out grasping the back of her head and pulled her to him, his mouth claiming hers in a possessive, fiery kiss that left Brianna's head spinning. Belatedly remembering where she was, she shoved him away.

"Don't ever do that again," she hissed.

"Or what? You'll beg me to make love to you again? You don't have to beg, simply ask."

"That's it!" she screeched, shoving her chair back and stumbling to her feet, she drew her sword. "You and me. Outside, now."

Methos couldn't help himself. He laughed. "Surely you're not serious, my little hellcat. You wish to cross swords with me?"

His laughter only infuriated her further. "Draw your sword and face me," she said tersely, leveling the blade at him.

"I'll not fight you in public, Brianna."


The laughter left his face. "Don't make that mistake, little wildcat, it's not cowardice that stops me. It's the thousands of years more experience I have."

Angrily, she slapped her sword against his where it rested on his hip. "Fight me, damn you."

"Again I ask, what are you so afraid of?"

Snarling, Brianna turned on her heel, striding out the door, refusing to answer him. Jumping to his feet, Methos ran to follow her.

Catching up to her outside, he grabbed her arm, instinctively leaping to the side as she swung her sword around at him.

"If you won't fight me, then leave me be." Brianna yanked her arm free and continued walking away down the beach.

"What will fighting you prove, Brianna? You can't beat me," Methos called out to her, following at a safe distance.

"Go away, Dr. Adams," Brianna responded with weariness in her voice.

Heaving an irritated sigh, Methos drew his sword. If the little hellcat wanted a fight, he'd give her one, just not the one she was expecting. "No more running, Brianna, face me."

Brianna turned, her eyes gleaming in satisfaction at the sight of him with his sword drawn. Looking up into his eyes, a tremor of fear snaked through her, she'd never seen eyes so cold and heartless before. She hesitated briefly, before reaching deep and finding her buried anger again.

Bowing slightly, she saluted him with her sword, watching as he did the same before he settled back into a defensive posture. With a wild cry, she attacked.

The sound of clashing steel rang out as the two swords met. Brianna felt the jolt all the way up her arm into her shoulder, her fingers tingling and nearly losing their grip. Furiously she shook it off, lashing out again.

Methos calmly and casually parried each blow she struck. He was surprised at how good she was proving to be, although nowhere close to his ability, someone had taught her well. She was forgetting one of the most basic rules, however, that of never giving way to anger. At her next blow, he allowed the blades to lock together and gripped her wrist.

"You've been taught well, wench."

Angrily, Brianna tugged on his hand, trying to free herself. "My father taught me. We going to fight or chit-chat?"

"I don't wish to humiliate you, Brianna."

"You've done nothing but humiliate me since we met." she retorted.

Releasing her wrist, Methos stepped back, allowing her once again to swing at him, which he easily blocked. "Such an angry child. What is it this time? Your sister getting married?"

"I am not a child!" she screamed, furious that no matter what she did, he seemed to be one step ahead of her. "I'm HAPPY my sister is getting married!" Panting, she swung her blade again, seeking any opening she could and finding none.

"Then it must be the fact that you're attracted to me, that you have feelings for me that's driving you to this folly."

"I'm NOT attracted to you! Stop saying that! I DON'T want you, I want nothing to do with you!"

"You're lying and we both know it. There's nothing wrong with what's happening between us--"

"NO! There's nothing happening between us! I can't, nay, I won't let myself fall in love with you! Not when you don't feel--" Brianna stopped, closing her mouth abruptly, realizing that in her anger she'd already said too much.

Ah, I have you now, little hellcat. Right where I want you. "Love? No one said anything about love," Methos lashed out, crashing his blade against hers, catching her off guard and sending her sword spinning out of her hand. His foot reached out, tripping her and sending her to the sand.

Brianna lay on her back, winded and looking up his blade where it rested against her throat. Angry tears filled her eyes and she swiped an arm across them, hoping he wouldn't see.

"Brianna, enough with this. Tell me what you feel. Tell me what you want."

"I feel nothing. I want nothing. Not from you or anyone! I just want the freedom to live my life the way I want, not the way someone else thinks I should. I want to be free! Anything else is just a fool's dream. Can you not understand that?"

Scrabbling in the sand, she scooped up a handful, throwing it into his face. The sand caught him in the eyes and he reached up automatically, scrubbing at the stinging sensation. Rolling free, Brianna scrambled, trying to gain her feet. He was too quick for her however, and she found herself face down in the sand, his weight pinning her to the ground.

"Get off me!" she screamed, turning her head to the side and spitting sand out.

Ignoring her outburst, Methos leaned forward, his lips against her ear. "Yes, Brianna, I understand the need for freedom, the deep hunger to simply take what life offers and to hell with the consequences. I know the intoxicating feeling of power freedom brings. I also know how freedom can be twisted into something it was never meant to be. I understand more than you will ever know." His voice whispered into her ear, and she shuddered involuntarily.

"If you know, if you understand, then why can't you leave me be? Why do you keep coming after me? Why are you doing this to me?" she asked plaintively.

She felt and heard his sigh before he shifted and rolled her over onto her back, and pinned her once again. His eyes gazed down into hers, as if searching for something.

"You fascinate me, Brianna. I can't leave you be. Tell me you feel nothing for me. Tell me that this," his mouth came down, stopping just short of hers, "means nothing." His lips covered hers in a powerful, possessive kiss that stole her breath and her wits. Her arms crept of their own will around his shoulders, pulling him in closer.

His mouth left hers, tracing along her jaw line up to her ear again where he nibbled the earlobe gently. "You feel something. Admit it."

Moaning softly, she shook her head. "Tis lust, nothing more. Something that will fade once you're out of my life."

"Stubborn wench. Think you can forget me so easily? Forget the way I make you feel?" His hands roamed restlessly across her body, unbuttoning her shirt and slipping in under her chemise, caressing her softly.

Gasping, she stared up into his eyes defiantly. "What do you care how I feel? Why is it so important to you that I feel anything for you?"

A long silence followed her questions as Methos thought carefully on how to respond. How do I answer that without telling you I've fallen in love with you? I need you to see that you share that feeling before this goes any further. I'll not be the first to admit my feelings. "I've lived a long time, Brianna, I've had a lot of women--"

"Aye," she sneered, "that's what a woman wants to hear as she's lying in a man's arms, talk of other women. Care to sweet talk me some more?"

Snarling under his breath, Methos kissed her again, silencing her for a moment. "As I was saying, I've had a lot of women, and it takes someone special to spark any kind of interest. Irritating and infuriating though you may be, you have sparked something and I mean to see where it leads."

"I think we've seen where it leads, Doctor. After all, am I not lying underneath you out in the open like some tavern slut, spreading her legs for anyone?"

"Damnit Brianna! Why must we play this game? You claim you want freedom? Then free yourself from the lies. Your body, your actions prove you want me, despite what that lovely, lying mouth of yours says."

Again, his mouth came down on hers, desperately seeking to force her to see the truth. Brianna gave herself up eagerly to the kiss, a part of her wishing she could give up, give in to the feelings that swirled inside her. She wanted him, oh, yes, wanted him badly, but fierce pride and stubbornness merged together, refusing to allow her to take that first step and admit that despite everything, she was falling in love with him. Damned if she'd allow herself to be that vulnerable.

Panting, they broke apart, each staring stubbornly into the others' eyes, willing the other to give in.

Brianna spoke first, breaking the stalemate. "Isn't lust enough? Does it have to be something more?"

Methos sighed, closing his eyes in momentary defeat. You win this round, little hellcat. We'll see just how long you can keep up this pretense before you break, and admit what we both know to be true. "Very well, Brianna, if that's all you want, that's all it shall be."

Carina turned away from where she and Duncan stood shadowed in the trees watching the scene play out before them. She had no desire to watch any further as her sister and Dr. Adams lost themselves in each other.

"As I said, nothing to worry about. Those two will work things out eventually." Duncan said, curling an arm about her waist.

"I'm sorry, Duncan, but when Daniel came running with the news that they were fighting on the beach, I had to see for myself that she was ok."

"I'm sure your sister can take care of herself. I know Benjamin certainly can. Perhaps, left to their own devices, they'll eventually see that they're meant to be together."

"Before or after they kill each other?" Carina laughed. Smiling, she took Duncan's hand in hers. "Come with me, I believe we have some unfinished business back at the house."

Duncan smiled softly down at her, kissing the tip of her nose. "Aye lass, I believe we do. No interruptions this time, right?"

"I promise. The world can go hang for all I care, as long as I can be in your arms."

Brianna sat with her knees drawn up under her chin, staring out across the vast expanse of the ocean from her vantage point on the hill. Her expression was somber as she reflected on the past week, wondering just when the hell she'd gone and fallen in love with Dr. Benjamin Adams. It's not fair, she thought morosely, I never wanted this. All I wanted was freedom from one man and now I find myself enthralled with another. And *he* doesn't care! "Brianna? What on earth are you doing up here alone?" Carina asked as she came upon her sister.

"Pondering the unfairness of life. You?"

Carina sat down next to her sister, assuming a like position. "I saw you heading up here. You looked so unhappy I thought I'd come see what was wrong."

"Nothing. Everything." Brianna paused, plucking absently at the grass at her feet. "Carina? What's it like? Loving someone who loves you back?"

Carina stared hard at her sister for a moment, hearing the unspoken hurt and longing in her sister's voice. "It's the most marvelous feeling in the world. To know that someone returns your love, to know that you'll never truly be alone again; that there's someone who accepts you with all your flaws is truly wonderful. It's hard to explain, hon. When it happens to you, you'll know."

"It's not fair you know? This wasn't supposed to happen. I just wanted his gold, not...not...everything else," Brianna said, gesturing wildly with her hands.

"Have you told Doctor Adams how you feel?" Carina asked gently.

Brianna snorted softly under her breath. "Are you kidding? That's the last thing I could ever do. He cares not, he's got what he wants, a willing wench in his bed. By the gods, how could I ever be so stupid?"

"Brianna, how can you know if you don't try at least?"

"Easy for you to say, you've found a most wonderful man, one who loves you fully, one who's willing to save you from the life I forced you into."

"Not forced. I went into this willingly, remember? Believe it or not, I can think for myself, little sister. I chose to help you because the idea of marrying someone I didn't love was not appealing to me. Plus, I couldn't allow you to set off on this dangerous path alone."

Brianna smiled wryly for a moment before her face settled into a frown again. "Still, I've seen the way the Scot looks at you, I find that I want that as well. I want him to look at me like that as well."

"Couldn't you at least call him Duncan? He'll be your brother-in-law after all."

Shurgging, Brianna sighed. "Fine, I've seen the way MacLeod looks at you. As if you're the most precious thing in the world to him. As if he'd do anything in his power to make you happy. And what do I get? A man who taunts me, beds me without a second thought, humiliates me--"

"As if you haven't done the same to him."

Brianna's mouth opened and closed several times before she could force any words out. "It's not the same," she said in a small voice, "Tis the only way I can keep him at a distance, keep him from knowing how I feel. I tried Carina. I tried so hard not to fall in love with him yet I did anyway. And now...now...he'll leave when the ship returns and all I'll be able to do is watch, then try to pick up the shattered pieces of my heart."

Carina placed a hand over Brianna's gently. "Tell him, Brianna."

"I can't. I couldn't bear to hear him laugh and scorn me for a fool."

"You don't know that's what he'd do."

"Yes, I do! Why else would he agree so readily to the idea that it's just lust between us and nothing more?"

"Because he knows that if he said or did anything more, you'd run screaming in the opposite direction? Think about it Brianna, you made yourself quite clear how you felt about your independence and men in general. Perhaps he wants you to realize on your own how you feel, so he gave you the freedom you said you wanted. Try, Brianna. Tell him."

"I can't. I just can't. Carina? I'm not staying in England once you're married. I'll stay to see you married, then I'm leaving."

"But...where will you go? What will you do?"

"I don't know. Here for a while, then, who knows? There are lots of ships out there laden with gold, ripe for the taking and I'm just the one to do it. I can't stay in England, not knowing he's there, knowing I could run into him at any time. It would hurt too much."

"I never thought of you as a coward, Brianna. This is a surprise."

"I'm no coward! How can you say that?" Brianna demanded, outraged.

"Then tell Dr. Adams how you feel. Now, before it's too late."

Shaking her head stubbornly, Brianna refused to respond.

Carina sighed. She'd tried, if her sister refused to listen, there wasn't much more she could do. "I'll miss you."

"Oh, I'll pop in on you and the Scot--oops, sorry, MacLeod, once in a while. Have to make sure my baby sis is doing ok," she grinned.

The two women jumped, startled at the sound of a male voice behind them. "You're a hard woman to track down, Brianna."

Carina leaned over to whisper in her sister's ear. "See how he seeks you out? He cares, Brianna, you must tell him."

Again, Brianna shook her head stubbornly, lips tightening as she tensed in anticipation of another rancorous encounter.

"Is this a private conversation or may I join you ladies?"

"Obviously it's not private any longer, now is it?" Brianna muttered.

Methos' eyes narrowed at her surly attitude. Still fighting it, eh little hellcat? Thought you would have broken by now. Stubborn wench.

"It's fine, Dr. Adams. I was just leaving." Carina took the hand that he extended to help her up, brushing her skirts off as she rose. "If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the main house to see to dinner." With a final, knowing glance toward her sister, she departed.

"So what is it this time, Dr. Adams? Come to disrupt the only peace I've found lately?"

"Brianna, couldn't you at least call me Benjamin? Formality is beyond us now."

"Just tell me what you're doing here and leave, would you, Benjamin?" she said, placing a scathing emphasis on his name.

Methos sighed; it was progress of some sort. "I just wanted to talk, is that so wrong?"

"Talk? That would be a first. What brings on this change of manner?"

"Curiosity. I wondered what you would do now that your sister is getting married and leaving you behind."

"She's not leaving me behind. She's found her happiness and I'm grateful for that. The Scot will make her happy and keep her safe, nothing more to be said on that account."

"But what will you do? Won't your uncle turn his attention toward you, use you as barter for his schemes?"

She snorted softly. "Let him try. I won't be there to see it. I'm taking my ship and doing what I do best. Pirating. And someday when I have enough gold, I'll settle far from the shores of England and that wretched creature who calls himself my uncle."

"Such a bold statement from a female. You would risk death to escape from what is the normal fate for ladies such as yourself?"

"Death comes to everyone, Doc--Benjamin, unless they're one such as yourself. I'm wily, I'll survive."

Methos reached out, cupping her face with a strong hand. "I do believe you will, Brianna. But can you survive the loneliness?" he asked, leaning forward until his lips met hers in a gentle caress that swiftly deepened into more.

Brianna reluctantly tore free, her breathing ragged, as was Methos'. Their gazes met as each pondered the loneliness they both faced.

Maybe Carina's right,, Brianna thought, I should tell him how I feel.

Enough with the games, Methos thought, I'll tell her how I feel, if she scorns me, so be it.

"Benjamin, I--"

"Brianna, I--"

Both spoke at the same time, then laughed together.

"Ladies first."

Brianna opened her mouth to tell him how she felt. If he laughed and rejected her, she'd survive, but at least she'd know she'd tried.

"Benjamin, I--"

"Captain Brianna! The ship's returned! It was spotted nigh on an hour ago, it should land shortly." Roger came puffing up the hill, unaware of what he'd interrupted.

"Thank you Roger. I'll be down to greet it in a few moments." Brianna sighed and stood to leave. Time's up. He'll be leaving on the morrow. Thank heavens Roger came when he did, I very nearly made a fool of myself. "If you'll excuse me, Doctor, I have duties to attend to."

Methos stared puzzled at her for a moment. The sudden reverting back to formality after the moment of closeness they'd shared threw him. He'd felt that she was close to saying what he wanted--no, needed to hear and now the moment was gone. "Wasn't there something you wanted to say?"

"Was there? I've forgotten. Must have been of no importance. I really must be off now, I should be there to greet the ship."

"I suppose this will be our last night together, then. It's been an interesting diversion."

"I'll see that your gold is returned to you. After all, the use for it is no longer."

"Keep it. Consider it payment for services rendered," he said callously, striking out at her in hopes of angering her enough to reveal her feelings.

Brianna stiffened in shock as his words sank in. Shock quickly turned to hurt and she was thankful she hadn't told him how she felt, now that he'd shown just exactly what he thought of her. "I'm not a whore, Doctor Adams, and I'll not be treated as such." she ground out between gritted teeth. "Your gold will be returned, that is final."

"Fine. May I make one last request?"


"Spend one last night with me. Give us both something to carry with us into the future."

"You presume much, Doctor Adams." Tears were threatening to spring forth and she swallowed them back. "But, aye, one last night." Turning, she sped down the hill before she weakened and threw herself at him, begging him to stay with her forever.

Methos sat watching her go, mentally kicking himself for his calculated remark. He'd seen the tears sparkling in her eyes and realized that instead of angering her as he'd hoped, he'd hurt her with his callousness. He hadn't counted on that. If ever he'd had a chance to win her, he'd just blown it and the knowledge left a bitter taste in his mouth. He set his mind to working on a plan to win her heart once and for all, damned if he'd let her sail away from him when this little adventure was over. You'll be mine, little hellcat, prepare yourself.

Methos leaned against the railing, staring out to sea. Three days had passed since he'd last held Brianna in his arms. Somehow, even on the small confines of this ship, she managed to always be somewhere he wasn't. He'd caught glimpses of her from time to time, but never gotten close enough to talk with her. Time was running out and he was at a loss as to what to do.

His mind flashed back to the last night they'd spent together on the island. It was a night he knew would haunt him for a very long time if he failed to prevent her from leaving. Passion such as they'd shared was rare--he knew it would be several lifetimes before he'd find one such as her again.

"Still brooding, I see," Duncan commented as he joined his friend at the railing.

"I've been around you too long. Your bad habits are rubbing off onto me."

"Carina says we should be putting into port in a few hours."

"I don't need a reminder of how little time I have left, thank you."

"Why not just tell her how you feel?"

"You have no idea what I feel, MacLeod."

"You love her. Everyone can see that."

"Everyone? Not likely. She doesn't see it."

"Have you given her any reason to see it?"

"MacLeod, that little wench--"

Sounds of an angry argument came from behind them. Turning, they saw the two sisters walking towards them, in the middle of a loud disagreement.

"Brianna, you can't do this! It's not--"

"--DON'T tell me what I can and cannot do! This is MY ship and--"

"--Mine as well, dear sister--"

"--MY ship and I'm in charge from now on. You're getting married, remember? Pirating is what I do and what the men do to support ourselves. That ship is there, ready for the taking and that is precisely what I intend to do."

"You're being reckless, we're too close to port, and it's too dangerous. Would you risk your life and the others because you're hurt and in-"

Brianna narrowed her eyes. "Don't say another word, Carina," she interrupted, cutting her eyes to the two who were listening avidly. "I am doing this and you will not stop me."

"Oh, but I can stop you. I'm still Captain here as well."

"Not any longer. You gave that up when you agreed to marry MacLeod." Brianna fixed Carina with an angry glare as she shouted over her shoulder. "Roger! Take my sister and our two guests below and lock them into her cabin for the remainder of the trip."

"Brianna! You can't do this! I'll not allow it!"

"I can and I will." At her sister's outraged expression, Brianna softened. "It's for your own good, Carina. If something should go wrong, you'll still be free. No one will know you had anything to do with this."

"Brianna, perhaps you should listen to your sister. I can take care of you as well, there's no need--" Duncan began in an attempt to calm Carina's fears.

"I need no man to take care of me, MacLeod. Stay out of it, this is none of your business."

"Leave the little wench be, Highlander, she knows what she's doing," Methos said.

"Listen to your friend, for once he knows what he's talking about."

"Brianna, I'm begging you, don't do this." Stubbornly Brianna turned her back. "It's for the best, Carina. You'll see that once you've had time to think about it." Nodding at Roger, she stepped away, allowing him and several others to take hold of the three and escort them away.

Brianna stood at the railing, gripping it hard as the sounds of her sister imploring her to stop her folly faded away. She hated treating her sister that way, but she was damned if she'd let anything happen to her. No, it was best that Carina not be involved any further. Besides, there was more to this than simple thievery, she had to do this to prove to herself she hadn't gone soft just because she'd fallen in love. No, Carina would never understand that. Sighing, she set her thoughts towards the coming attack and shoved everything else away.

As the sound of the door locking firmly behind them echoed through the room, Carina turned to Duncan, falling into his arms.

"She's out of her mind. She's never done anything this reckless before. She's going to get herself hurt or worse."

Duncan held her close, trying to soothe her fears. "You've said yourself that she knows what she's doing, knows how to avoid situations where she could get into trouble."

"Brianna can fend well for herself, Carina, she'll be fine." Methos said as he draped his body into the chair, lounging back casually.

"That was before!" Carina shouted, her eyes spitting fire in his direction. "This is all your fault!"

"My fault? What--?"

"Yes! Your fault! She's never attempted anything this risky before she met you! Now she's hurt and not thinking straight. She'll get herself killed! Damn it! Why couldn't you have let her be? Why'd you have to toy with her and make her fall in love with you if you can't return the feeling?"

Methos stared hard at Carina for a moment, his suspicions confirmed, the little hellcat did love him. It was what he'd wanted to hear, but not in this manner, and not from this woman. "Are you saying she loves me?"

Carina laughed bitterly. "You really are the idiot she calls you, aren't you? Yes, she loves you. Her heart's broken because you don't feel the same, and because of that, she's acting with complete disregard to any thought of safety to herself. She doesn't care what happens to her."

"You're wrong, Carina, I do love her."

"Then why didn't you tell her? Why leave her to think you don't care?"

"I'm not the only one at fault here, she never told me she felt anything for me, either."

Carina stared in momentary shock at him before she laughed. "I don't believe this, what a perfect pair you two make. Both so full of stubborn pride, you'd rather be lonely than be the first to admit you love someone!"

Methos stared sheepishly at the ground, silently acknowledging the truth of Carina's words. "You're sure of this? She loves me?"

"Yes, I'm sure. She told me. We've got to stop her, she can't do this."

"Locked in as we are, there's no way to stop her, best to sit tight and trust in Brianna's wiliness to see her through. Once we're out of here, however, I'll show that little hellcat that I do love her, even if I have to tie and gag her to do it."

Something's not right, Brianna thought as she followed the Captain of the ship across the deck towards his cabin. Where's the rest of the crew? Why is it that he seemed to expect us? Glancing over at Roger, she saw he was feeling the same way. "Stop where you are for a moment, Captain." she ordered the other man. He complied immediately and she gestured to Roger to come to her.

"Something's up, Roger. I've a bad feeling about this. If anything happens, get yourself back to the ship and get out of here."

"Aye, I feel it as well, Captain. Shall we leave now?"

"No, I'll see this charade through. Just get my sister away from here if things go wrong."

"And you?"

"Don't worry about me, my sister's all I care about. I don't want her involved."

"Captain, I cannot abandon you-"

"That's an order, Roger."

"Aye, Captain."

"Stay here. Be ready." Brianna turned back to the other Captain. "Carry on, sir," she said, making a sweeping gesture with her sword.

As they made their way along the corridor below decks, Brianna had little time to react when doors swung open behind her. Pivoting on her heel, she found the way back up blocked by the remainder of the crew who had apparently been lying in wait for just this moment. Still, she refused to go down without a fight and immediately brought her sword into play, weaving and ducking her way amongst them, slashing out as she maneuvered her way toward the stairs. She fought gamely for a few minutes, buying enough time and space to clamber back up the stairs and shout a warning to Roger. She hoped fervently that he had heard her and was on his way to get her sister out of harm's way.

A voice rang out, chilling in its familiarity. "Well, well, if it isn't my charming little niece. Hello, Brianna."

Brianna stiffened in shock, turning slowly back and had just enough time to register her uncle Cedric's hateful visage before she felt a sharp blow to the back of her head and the world went black.

The sudden lurching of the ship and sounds of fighting startled the occupants in the locked cabin.

"That doesn't sound good," Carina said fearfully.

"It's probably nothing," Methos said, although he wasn't confident in that statement. Something seemed off in the tone of voices he could hear drifting down to them.

Hours seemed to pass with each one taking turns pacing. Methos was getting worried; it shouldn't be taking so long to let them out. Something was definitely wrong, and his fears increased for Brianna.

Carina pounded on the door demanding release when she heard voices in the corridor outside. With a sigh of relief, she heard the key being turned in the lock.

"Thank you, Roger, for freeing us. Where's my sister? I've got a few words--"Carina stopped, noticing for the first time Roger's disheveled appearance. "Roger?"

"I'm sorry, Captain Carina, but--"

"Where's my sister?"

Duncan took hold of Carina, pulling her against him as he wrapped his arms around her. The look in Roger's eyes told him what he needed to know. "Carina, you must be strong."

"Roger, what happened to my sister?"

"I don't know, Captain. The last I heard from her was the order to get back to the ship and get you away. It was a trap--they were waiting for us. Captain Brianna's orders were for me to make sure you were out of harm's way and that's what I did. I'm afraid she didn't make it back with us."

"Turn this ship around right now! We have to go back! We can't leave her there!"

"I knew you'd order that, Captain, but Brianna's orders were quite specific, that's why I took so long to let you out. We're docking in just a few minutes."

Carina crumpled sobbing in Duncan's arms. "Duncan, please, we can't...she's all alone..."

"Captain, I should tell you, your uncle was aboard that ship. It could be dangerous for you to go home now."

Duncan placed a finger under Carina's jaw, lifting her head to meet his gaze. "Carina, listen to me. We'll save Brianna, somehow. Right now, the most important thing is to get you out of your uncle's reach."

"MacLeod's right. Your uncle won't do anything to Brianna right away. If he's as greedy as you two have said, he's more interested in getting the gold back you two have stolen than he is in harming her right now. She's of no use to him dead." Methos stated with more confidence than he truly felt.

"How can you be so sure?" Carina asked tearfully.

"It's what I would do in his place. First things first, we get you two married so that this uncle of yours can't touch you. Roger, where's the nearest man of the cloth?"

"Dr. Adams! I can't get married-"

"You can and you will," Methos said fiercely. "Don't let Brianna's sacrifice be for naught. She did it to save you, now do what she would have wanted."

"You can't be serious. I will not marry these two in such haste, it's not seemly."

"Oh, I believe you will, Father," Methos said quietly, his voice cold. "These two wish to be married now and you're the man for the job."

"I'll not do it without some explanation. Why the rush? Why can it not wait until--"

"We can do this one of two ways, but it will happen tonight." Methos slapped a hefty bag of gold down onto the priest's desk. "The easy way would be to take the gold, marry them and ask no questions."

Eyeing the bag, the priest hesitated for a moment. "And the other way?"

In a blur of movement too fast for the priest to react, Methos leaped across the desk and was holding a dagger to his throat. "The other way would be the harder for you. I won't kill you ... but you'll wish I had," Methos hissed softly into his ear.

"Benjamin..." Duncan began, appalled at what his friend was doing.

"Leave it be, MacLeod. I've told you before, I'll do things my way. Now, which is it to be, Father?"

"Since you put it that way, come this way into the chapel." The priest quickly pocketed the bag of gold before minds could be changed.

"We'll do it right here."

Carina's head was spinning with the rapid pace of events since they'd left the ship, yet she was able to acknowledge and recite the vows that bound her to her beloved Scot. The ceremony was over quickly and the papers signed, verifying that they were wed.

Outside the church, Methos laid out the rest of the plans.

"Duncan, take Carina back to her uncle's house. Take what you want to bring along, leave the rest. Gather things for Brianna as well. You should have time to get there and out before this uncle does--he'll be too busy trying to get information out of Brianna. Gather the crew, get back to the ship, and sail it north to the next port. We'll meet you there once I've rescued Brianna."

"Methos, you can't do this alone. Let me get Carina safe and I'll help."

"You'll only get in my way, MacLeod. You have too much of a conscience to do what may be necessary."

"You mean to kill anyone who stands in your way, don't you? I can't let you do that."

"Precisely why you're not accompanying me."

Duncan stared into Methos' cold eyes, reminded once again of just how little he really knew about this man he called friend. "Are you sure it's necessary?"

"I will do whatever it takes to free her, MacLeod. If that means killing everyone in sight, I will. I love her and I won't give her up to the whims of fate."

A moment of silence passed between the two as Duncan struggled with his nature that demanded he do something to stop Methos. "Then, Godspeed my friend." Duncan clasped Methos' arm in a firm grip, an unspoken agreement made between the two.

"Bring my sister back to me, please." Carina added, leaning forward to kiss Methos' cheek. "And whatever you do, tell her you love her."

"She'll be a captive audience, she'll have no choice but to listen." Methos grinned. "Don't worry, I'll bring her back, safe and sound. Just be on that ship ready to go."

Methos sat in a darkened corner of the tavern, listening to Roger's tale. Roger had found him shortly after he'd left MacLeod and Carina.

"You're sure of this? You know where they took her?"

"Aye, sir, I do. I watched them leave the ship when it came into port and followed them. Captain Brianna saved my life. If not for her, I'd still be living on the streets, fighting to survive. So would the rest of the crew, she gave us work when no one else would. I'd do anything for her."

"Seems to be more to the wench than I thought."

"Begging your pardon, sir, but 'the wench' as you call her deserves more than snide comments." Roger bristled. "Captain Brianna--"

"Stand down, Roger, I mean no disrespect, I love the little wench. Can you gather the crew together quickly?"

"The crew is still on board, sir. Making plans to storm the building and rescue the Captain."

"No need for that--I'll get her out. You just make sure the ship gets safely out of London waters."

"But you're only one man! How can you--?"

"Because they have no idea who they're dealing with. She'll be free, I promise you."

Brianna lay curled up on the meager straw, shivering from the cold and her last encounter with her uncle. Her body ached from the beating her uncle given her while he asked endless questions, but she'd refused to implicate her sister or anyone else. And the location of his gold was still a secret. He'd given her until dawn to change her mind, and then they were going to hang her. She shuddered. At least I've lived my life the way I wanted, and I did love someone. No one can take that from me. I can die knowing Carina is happy and safe as well. But would it have been too much to ask to have been loved in return?

Faint sounds of scuffling and footsteps sounded from down the hall of her cell. Her uncle? Returning already? No! It can't be dawn yet! I lied! I'm not ready to die yet! she sobbed inwardly.

"Well, well, this is quite the sight. The little hellcat caged. Tell me, are you tame yet?" drawled a familiar voice.

"Benjamin?" she asked in disbelief, raising her head and looking toward the door.

"At your service, my lady," he said, sweeping a mocking bow in her direction.

"If you came to gloat--enjoy it while you can, they're hanging me at dawn." she said dispiritedly and turned away.

"Given up already? Surely this can't be the feisty wench I know and love. I must be in the wrong place."

"Why are you here, Dr. Adams? Does it amuse you to see me this way? Does it give you great pleasure to say I told you so?" Love? Had he said love? Surely not ... surely the gods couldn't be that cruel.

"I'm here to rescue you. You didn't think I'd let you go that easily, did you? Not when there are still so many years ahead to torment each other."

"Dr. Adams--"

He sighed impatiently, "Brianna, for once, just shut up and listen. I love you."

Brianna's mouth opened and closed several times as his statement registered in her head. "You love me?" she managed to squeak out.

"Aye, I love you, more fool me."

Brianna stood shakily, crossing the scant few feet to where Methos stood outside the barred door. Tentatively, she stretched out a hand that he clasped wth his. "Tell me this isn't a dream I've conjured to make my last moments happy."

"It's no dream little hellcat, I love you."

"I love you as well, try as I did not to. But this is so unfair! To hear what I so badly wanted to hear when there's no chance for us."

Methos smiled, dangling a set of keys in front of her. "No chance?"

"How did you--"

"Don't ask questions that you may not like the answer to." Methos bent, unlocking the door and swinging it open.

Brianna flung herself into his arms, giddy with relief and love. Methos caught her, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. "I love you," he murmured before claiming her mouth in a searing kiss.

Brianna pulled away reluctantly minutes later. "I love you, Benjamin or Methos, whatever you call yourself. Now, get me out of here!"

"You might want this," Methos said, smiling as he pulled her sword from beneath his cloak.

"My sword! I thought never to see it again!" She looked up, eyes shining. "Thank you, for everything."

"We're not safely away, so don't thank me yet. Come."

Taking her hand, he led her down the hallway and through the office. She shivered slightly as they stepped around several bodies along the way. She didn't want to know how he'd managed to take them all on and win, the simple knowledge that he loved her and had braved the odds for her was enough.

Just as they reached the door, however, it swung open, revealing her uncle. He stopped, startled to see her walking free. Immediately, Methos shoved her behind him, lifting his sword slightly in challenge.

"How the hell did you escape? And who the hell are you?" her uncle demanded.

"Who I am, matters not. You must be Uncle Cedric, the man who's going to give everything back that he stole."

"You, sir, are out of your mind. I stole nothing and if that lying little bitch behind you--" Cedric stopped mid-sentence as the point of a sword pricked his throat, drawing blood. He swallowed hard as his gaze met the cold, pitiless eyes of the man standing in front of him.

"If you ever speak that way of this woman again, you won't have time to regret it. Sit down, we have some unfinished business." Methos prodded him with the sword towards the desk.

"Benjamin, what are you doing? We don't have time for this, we need to get out of here." Brianna said, puzzled at his actions.

"Not yet, little one, I believe this man owes you something." Sliding paper and pen towards Cedric, Methos gestured with the sword. "Start writing. First off, you will relinquish guardianship of both Brianna and Carina. Secondly, you'll sign their father's shipping company back over to them. Along with all profits you've made in the last three years, plus the money they should have inherited from their parents but which you stole."

"I will do no such thing. That business should have come to me in the first place! What do two women know of running a complex, profitable operation such as that? My brother was a fool!"

"You think so? Tell me, just how much have you lost due to Brianna's actions in the last couple of years? I'd say she knows quite well how to run things smoothly. Now WRITE." Methos emphasized his words with the tip of his sword, jabbing just hard enough to remind Cedric of who was in charge.

Silence fell for a few minutes except for the scratching of the quill across the paper. Finished, Cedric glowered and handed the paper over. "No court will uphold this, it was written under duress. If anything, they'll imprison you on sight."

Glancing over the paper, Methos failed to see Cedric reaching surreptitiously for his own sword, drawing it up and readying himself to attack. Brianna, quiet until then, saw and reacted immediately.

"Benjamin!" she screamed too late, as the sword plunged into Methos' belly. Methos gasped in pain, but his eyes went even deadlier. Grasping the sword by the blade, he held it fixed into place as he smiled coldly. "Thank you, you've given me the excuse I need to ensure you'll never harm Brianna or her sister ever again." In one smooth movement, he drove his sword deep into Cedric's chest, dispassionately watching as the life fled from his eyes.

Methos crumpled to his knees, hissing in pain as he pulled the sword from his belly. Brianna knelt beside him, holding him close, smoothing the hair back from his face as he collapsed the rest of the way to the floor.

"It's done, you have what's rightfully yours again and you're free," he choked out.

"How can I be free when you've imprisoned my heart and soul? I love you, you idiot."

Methos laughed softly, wincing at the pain it caused. "I love you too, little hellcat." He coughed, the world growing gray around the edges as he felt death stealing up on him.

"Sure, how typical of a man. Tell the woman you love them and then go and die on them."

"I can see life will never be dull around you. I'll be back to make you pay for that remark, wench."

"I'm counting on it, you insufferable pig." Brianna smiled as he gave out one last weak chuckle and died in her arms. Settling herself more comfortably, she held him close, waiting for him to revive so they could rejoin her sister and MacLeod and set out on a life filled with love and laughter.

Methos blinked as the morning sunshine roused him from his sleep. A soft smile crossed his lips as the dream came back to him. Brianna. That lovely little hellcat that had made his life such a delight and such sweet torture for nearly 25 years. God, he hadn't thought of her in decades, yet the memory of her was still as clear and crisp as the day they'd met. Why the hell he'd placed MacLeod in his dream was puzzling, however. He and MacLeod hadn't met for nearly another 300 years. He bet he could get some amusement out of it, though. His smile grew a bit bigger at the thought of taunting the Highlander with cryptic comments of having dreamed of him. Watching the Highlander sputter in bewilderment, oh, yes, good sport indeed!

The smile faded as he thought of Brianna again. Such joy and such passion for living she'd brought him ... she had kept that adventurous streak alive within herself up to the day she'd died and left him. He closed his eyes, pushing away the thought of how she'd died too soon. Much better to remember the good times they'd had, the playful bickering and the love they'd shared. He'd leave the regrets for another day.

He sighed, the bittersweet memories flowing over him as he yawned, stretched, and rose to face the day.

~The End~

Thank goodness...can I go abuse the muse now for doing this to me? Hayden? This is your entire fault, somehow...

Must also thank my partner in crime, Sheeza for inspiration and for putting up with my whimpering, moaning, and all my other nonsense. Thanks, hon! Love you tons!

And of course, love, thanks and hugs to all my clansibs, just because. You guys are the best!

August 18, 2003

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